

Floral Production and Garden Construction:The Productive Landscape and Its Public Transformation in Canton Fa-ti in the Late Qing Dynasty
摘要 清末广州花地在中西文化交流史、贸易史、植物史上扮演着重要角色。十三行外贸时期,作为广州观赏植物的培育与产销基地,花地是清政府特许西方人可以游憩的地方之一,也是西方植物学家获取中国植物样本的主要来源地。以现状为基础,综合应用文献资料与历史地图,对比考证花地的河涌分布,复原清末花地园圃的历史空间格局,并进一步梳理了花地花木培育、销售等生产性景观的形成,以及私园化、公共化的发展趋势。研究表明:在繁荣的中西贸易与园事活动推动下,清末广州花地形成了以河涌为地理基础,以花圩为展销地,数十处苗圃花园集合的独特生产性景观。中西人士频繁开展的赏游活动推动了花地的私园营造与公共化,促使园林成为公共活动、文化和知识生产的主要空间场所。 Fa-ti played a pivotal role in the cultural exchange,trade,and botany between the East and the West during the late Qing Dynasty in Canton.As a center for cultivating and producing ornamental plants in Guangzhou throughout the thirteen-hong trade period,Fa-ti was one of the select locations the Qing government allowed Westerners to visit.It also served as a principal source of Chinese plant specimens for Western botanists.This study thoroughly examines historical texts and maps to analyze and corroborate the historical spatial configuration of Fa-ti's river channels.It aims to reconstruct the garden layouts of the late Qing Dynasty and elucidate the development of productive landscapes in Fa-ti,such as the cultivation and marketing of flowers and trees,alongside the trends toward garden privatization and publicization.The research reveals that the thriving Sino-Western trade and horticultural activities fostered a distinctive and productive landscape in Fa-ti,with the river serving as the geographical foundation and flower polders acting as exhibition and sales venues.Numerous nursery gardens emerged in Fa-ti during this period,creating a dynamic space where Chinese and Westerners'frequent interactions advanced the privatization and publicization of gardens.Consequently,these gardens transformed into significant venues for public events,cultural engagement,and intellectual endeavours.
作者 张欣 彭长歆 ZHANG Xin;PENG Changxin
出处 《广东园林》 2024年第1期82-88,共7页 Guangdong Landscape Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金“基于二维历史图像三维重建的清末岭南私园空间形态与构成规律研究”(编号:51978271)。
关键词 中国园林史 岭南园林 广州十三行 花地 生产性景观 Chinese garden history Lingnan Garden Thirteen Hongs of Canton Fa-ti Productive landscape
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