

Reflection and Reconstruction of Judicial Police Colleges and Universities Running Schools Based on the Ecological Characteristics of the Industry
摘要 培养高素质的应用型法治人才对于建设法治政府、法治国家、法治社会具有重要意义。在当前现代法治赋能的背景下,作为应用型、实战型法治人才培养的重要阵地,司法警官院校应立足于服务社会、行业发展的历史新起点,基于行业生态的发展要求,在学生思政、教学内涵、校园文化、社会服务、对外合作交流等多个办学层面突出特色优势,打造优质品牌,培养更多更好的法治建设、平安建设的建设者和接班人。 Cultivating high-quality applied legal talents is of great significance to building a law-base gov⁃ernment,a country ruled by law,and law-based society.In the context of the current modern legal empow⁃erment,as an important position for the training of applied and practical legal talents,judicial police col⁃leges and universities should be based on the new historical starting point of serving the society and the development of the industry,based on the development requirements of the industry ecology,highlight the characteristics and advantages at many levels of running schools such as students’ideological and politi⁃cal thinking,teaching connotation,campus culture,social services,foreign cooperation and exchanges,to build high-quality brands,and cultivate more and better builders and successors of the construction of the rule of law.
作者 张大立 苏飞举 曾翔 徐娟 孙博 Zhang Dali;Su Feiju;Zeng Xiang;Xu Juan;Sun Bo(Sichuan Judicial and Police Officers Professional College,Deyang Sichuan 618000)
出处 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2024年第1期6-11,共6页 Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers
关键词 习近平法治思想 司法警官院校 特色办学 产教融合 Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law judicial police colleges and universities running schools with characteristics integration of industry and education
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