

International Innovative Applications of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Overview of “the Generative AI Empowering Learners Conference” by the Global Research Alliance for AI Learning and Education
摘要 生成式人工智能作为一项类似于“电力”的通用技术,正在全球范围内引发智能化变革浪潮。教育领域如何面向生成式人工智能开展教育教学创新是时代赋予教育研究者和实践者的挑战。研究基于全球人工智能学习和教育研究联盟召开的人工智能赋能学习者会议的核心内容,构建了生成式人工智能教育应用创新框架,从理念、实践和共识三个层面系统展现国际生成式人工智能创新体系结构。理念层拥抱生成式人工智能创新文化,实现从制度、育人理念到教与学方式等多个层面的理论创新与认知迭代。教育领域人工智能技术采纳模型、生成式人工智能素养模型和生成主义数字教育框架分别为生成式人工智能教育应用提供了组织保障、素养培养和实践指南方面的理论支持。实践层各类实践创新要坚持以个性化/人性化学习体验为核心,围绕教育场景中的实践问题,开展创新实践和应用推广。当前国际上六类典型实践案例,分别为:(1)生成式人工智能支持网络和物理空间协同学习;(2)大语言模型推动智能导师系统应用推广;(3)生成式人工智能增强沉浸式平台和同伴支持促进脑健康;(4)大语言模型支持自动试题、干扰项和反馈生成;(5)智能学习路径规划和个性化学习支持提供;(6)亲和力小组实践推进高校生成式人工智能应用。同时,会议还形成了六大共识:(1)认识生成式人工智能教育应用创新的特殊性;(2)信任是从消极拒绝走向积极应用的前提;(3)发挥人的主导作用应对认知停滞与去人性化;(4)重视应用中的数据泄漏和安全伦理风险;(5)消弭新的数字鸿沟和结构性不平等;(6)建立人工智能开发和应用新标准。研究对生成式人工智能教育应用创新研究的梳理可为我国生成式人工智能教育应用理论与实践提供参考。 Generative Artificial Intelligence(AI),as a universal technology akin to electricity,is sparking a wave of intelligent reform on a global scale.How to carry out education and teaching innovation in the field of education based on generative artificial intelligence is a challenge for educational researchers and practitioners in the era of innovation and a hot topic around the world.Based on the core content of the Generative AI Empowering Learners Conference organized by the Global Research Alliance for AI Learning and Education(GRAILE),this study constructed a generative AI education application innovation framework and systematically demonstrated the international generative AI innovation architecture from the three levels of concept,practice and consensus.At the philosophical level,humans are encouraged to embrace generative AI as a partner in knowledge co-creation,fostering a culture of generative AI innovation and achieving theoretical innovation and cognitive iteration across multiple aspects from institutional systems to educational philosophies and teaching and learning methods.The SPARK model,generative AI literacy model and generative digital education framework provide theoretical support for the application of generative AI in education in terms of organizational guarantee,literacy training and practical guidelines respectively.At the practical level,various innovative practices should adhere to the core of personalized/humanized learning experiences,focusing on innovative practices and application promotion around practical problems in educational settings.There are currently six typical international practice cases,including(1)generative AI supported networks and physical space collaborative learning;(2)large language model-driven intelligent tutoring system;(3)generative AI-enhanced immersive platforms and peer support promoting brain health;(4)large language model-supported automatic question generation,distractor generation,and feedback;(5)intelligent learning path planning and personalized learning support provision;(6)and the affinity group practice advancing the application of generative AI.Six major international consensuses were formed in the conference:(1)recognizing the specificity of innovative applications of generative AI in education;(2)trust as a prerequisite for transitioning from negative rejection to positive application;(3)play the leading role of human in coping with the cognitive stagnation and dehumanization;(4)pay attention to data leakage and security ethical risks in applications;(5)bridging the new digital divide and structural inequalities;(6)establish new standards for AI development and application.The research on generative artificial intelligence education application innovation can provide reference for the theory and practice of generative artificial intelligence education application in China.
作者 王志军 滕志强 苏晨予 Wang Zhijun;Teng Zhiqiang;Su Chenyu(Jiangsu“Internet+Education”Research Center,Jiangnan University,Wuxi Jiangsu 214122)
出处 《远程教育杂志》 北大核心 2024年第2期65-74,共10页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 国家社会科学基金全国教育科学“十三五”规划2020年度国家级一般课题“联通主义学习中群体协同知识创新研究”(项目编号:BCA200092)的研究成果。
关键词 生成式人工智能 教育创新 ChatGPT SPARK模型 智能素养 教育数字化 人性化学习体验 Generative Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation ChatGPT SPARK Model AI Literacy Digital Education Personalized Learning Experience
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