

An Account and Textual Research on the Late Southern Song Yijing Scholar Fang Shisun's Life and Works
摘要 方实孙是南宋晚期著名易学家。其生平行止历来未有详考者,且误传误信,多有谬误。关于方实孙的家族、家世,刘克庄之文提供了重要资料,但所记与宗谱有所出入。从《后村先生大全集》编纂来看,方实孙进献《易说》、以布衣身份入史局的时间应在1252年刘克庄写《送方实孙》与《方实孙经史说》跋之间。关于方氏科举功名之说,历史所载颇为不实。方实孙不可能是庆元五年进士,他有没有中过进士,答案可能也是否定的。方氏经史著作唯易著似存,即四库全书所收《淙山读周易记》,是书原名应作《读易记》或《读周易》。方氏解说经传受《正义》《程传》影响较大,以义理阐释为主,同时亦论图书,二者应完成于不同阶段。有学者把方实孙视为朱子后学,实则他对朱熹易学有所保留,或言接受有一渐进过程,方氏为朱熹拥趸之说需要更多证据支持。 Fang Shisun was a famous Yijing scholar of in the late Southern Song dynasty(1127-1279).There has never been detailed research of his life,and there is considerable misinformation passed on with many wrong messages about him.Regarding the family and lineage of Fang Shisun,Liu Kezhuang's(1187-1269)record provides important information,but the record differs from Fang's genealogy.From the description in Complete Works of Fang Kezheng,it can be seen that the time when Fang Shisun presented the Commentary on Yi and entered the history bureau as a commoner should be in the year 1252 between when Liu Kezhuang wrote the For Fang Shisun and Confucian Classic and History Theory of Fang Shisun.The historical records of Fang's achievements in the imperial examination are quite untrue.It is impossible that Fang Shisun was a jinshi(successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations)in the fifth year of the Qingyuan era(1195-1201).The answer to whether he had ever been a jinshi or not is probably no.The only surviving works of Fang's Confucian classic and history books are about the Changes-Fang Shisun's Reading Report of the Changes,which was originally named Reading Yi or Reading the Zhouyi.Fang's interpretation is greatly influenced by Correct Meaning of the Zhou Changes and Cheng Yi's Commentary on the Changes,with a focus on explaining the meanings and principles,while also discussing Hetu(Yellow River Chart)and Luoshu(Luo River Diagram).The two approaches should have been completed at different times.Some scholars regard Fang Shisun as an intellectual descendant of Zhu Xi,but in fact,he has reservations about Zhu Xi's Yi studies,or it can be said that there is a gradual process of his acceptance.The claim that Fang is a supporter of Zhu Xi needsmoreevidence.
作者 胡士颍 HU Shi-ying
出处 《周易研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期43-49,共7页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 方实孙 莆田方氏 刘克庄 《读周易记》 朱熹 Fang Shisun Fang Shisun in Putian Liu Kezhuang Du Zhouyi ji Zhu Xi
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