

Heart-Object-Image:On Wang Yangming's Theory of"Image of Heart-mind"
摘要 王阳明“心象”论融合了儒释道三家思想,其“象”作为心物关系的意象化表达,汇通有无、联结意辞,具有鲜明的心学特色,对理解中国哲学的“象”思想有重要意义。王阳明的“心象”论是心物一源中的生生之象,是一心摄三才、三才统万象、万象归一心。从象的角度而言,乃是于一心之象中显三才之象,于三才之象中立人文之象,于人文之象中觉超然之象,这一过程体现出象的初显枢机、分立演化和指向势态。一心之象体用一源,与气之流行和理之秩序同化;三才之象汇通有无,与人之灵窍和物之万有共感;人文之象化育天地,与观物取象和制物尚象并济;超然之象启觉天人之际,与亘古气象与冲漠万象朗在。四者分别代表了与象相关的本体构建、意义分立、认识实践和境界达成,在逻辑上可分而析之,但在实存状态中,皆呈显为心之物象。在阳明心学中,“象”亦可理解为“物”,“无吾心则无万象”是“心外无物”的另一种表述,象是宇宙神化之垂象,亦是良知感寂之心象,二者同显于灵明觉窍,是为一体,这是阳明“心象”论的特色所在。 Wang Yangming's(1472-1529)theory of"image of heart-mind"integrates the thoughts of Confucianism,Buddhism,and Daoism.As an image-based expression of the relationship between heart-mind and object,the images communicate existence with non-existence,meanings with words,which has distinct characteristics of heart-mind theory and is of great significance for understanding thories of image in Chinese philosophy.Wang Yangming's theory of"image of heart-mind"refers to images of shengsheng(unceasing producing)in which heart-mind and object share the same source and has the meaning of the only one mind governing the three powers(heaven,earth and human)in the world,the three powers unifying all images,and all images returning to the one heartmind.From the perspective of images,it is the manifestation of images of the three powers in the image of heart-mind,the setting up of the humanistic image in the three powers'images,and the perception of the transcendent image in the humanistic image.This process reflects the cardinal impetus of initial manifestation,discrete evolution,and directional momentum of images."Ti(body)and yong(function)are based on one source"for image of the only heart-mind and the image assimilates with the flow of qi(material force)and the order of meanings;the images of the three powers communicate existence with non-existence,resonating with the spirit of humans and all things;the image of humanity nurtures heaven and earth,which nurture each other getting images through observation of objects and appreciating images while making objects;the transcendent images awaken the intersection of heaven and humanity,it co-exists with qi images existing since antiquity and the vast images.The four respectively represent the ontology construction,the separation of meanings,the practice of cognition,and the achievement of the realm related to images,which can be logically separated and analyzed,but in the actual state of existence,they all present as object images of the mind.In Wang Yangming's theory of heart-mind,"image"can also be understood as"object"."Without my heart,there is no image of the universe"is another expres"sion of""there is no object outside the heart".Image is a sign-image of the universe's deification,and it is also the heart-mind image of silent conscience.Both are manifested in the spiritual consciousness and are one.This is the characteristic of Wang Yangming's theory of"heart-mind image".
作者 陆永胜 李玉奇 LU Yong-sheng;LI Yu-qi
出处 《周易研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期81-91,共11页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 国家社科基金重点项目:“阳明学诠释史研究”(17AZX006) 贵州省哲学社会科学规划国学单列课题“明代心学教化思想研究”(23GZGX05)。
关键词 王阳明 WangYangming heart-mind image object
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