

Gaining and Innovating Knowledge:Study on the"New New Year Painting"in the Base Area during the Anti-Japanese War Period
摘要 产生于抗战时期根据地的“新年画”,其耳目一新的艺术形式和紧扣现实语境的表现主题和内容,广受抗战时期根据地群众的喜爱与欢迎。抗战时期根据地的“新年画”在中国抗战时期根据地的美术宣传运动中发挥了重要作用。文章通过分析抗战时期根据地“新年画”产生的时代背景及缘起、创作的转向与革新以及历史贡献等三个大的方面。进而指出,产生于抗战时期根据地的“新年画”,不仅在抗战时期根据地的美术宣传运动中国发挥了重要的作用,也积极有效的配合了我党在抗战时期根据地的政治宣传任务。抗战时期根据地年轻的美术家们在“新年画”创作中的探索、开拓与创新性的实践,既促进了日后延安新年画运动的开展,又为新中国年画的创作走向成熟提供了宝贵的经验。 "New New Year Paintings",produced in the base areas during the Anti-Japanese War period,were widely welcomed by the people in the base areas during the Anti-Japanese War period,because of their refreshing art forms and the themes and contents of the paintings,which were closely related to the reality.The"new New Year Paintings"played an important role in the art propaganda campaign in the base areas during the Anti-Japanese War period.The article analyzes three major aspects of"new New Year Paintings"in the base areas during the Anti-Japanese War period,including the background and origin of the era,the turn and innovation of the creation,and the historical contribution of the New Year Paintings.The article then points out further that the"new New Year Paintings"produced in the base areas during the Anti-Japanese War period not only played an important role in the art propaganda campaign of the base areas during the Anti-Japanese War period,but also positively and effectively co-operated with the Party's political propaganda tasks in the base areas during the Anti-Japanese War period.The exploration,pio-neering and innovative practice of the young artists in the base areas during the Anti-Japanese War period not only promoted the development of the"new New Year Painting"movement in Yan'an,but also provided valuable experience for the maturity of the creation of new New Year Paintings in the New China.
作者 刘建理 Liu Jianli
出处 《云南艺术学院学报》 2024年第1期83-91,共9页 Journal of Yunnan Arts University
基金 2022年云南省哲学社会科学艺术科学规划项目“口述史视野下云南版画创作群体研究”(项目号:A2022YM09)阶段性成果。
关键词 抗战时期 根据地 新年画 艺术 形式 创作研究 Anti-Japanese War period base areas new New Year Painting art form study on the creation
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