

Negativity:A case study of qiang(腔)as an auxiliary in Nanyang dialects
摘要 “腔”在南阳方言有情态动词用法。“腔”表推测,是认识情态词。“腔”在这一意义的基础上形成7种常见的搭配形式,即“腔着”“腔得着”“腔不着”“十腔九稳”“不腔”“不腔吧”“没腔”。“腔”和否定具有高度的关联性,“不腔”这一形式同时实现了认识情态的三个梯度:可能;不一定;不可能。“不腔吧”表示说话人的不可思议与惊讶,即“不会吧”,表达了与说话人预期相反的非预期信息,其内部结构相对凝固,有叹词化倾向。“没腔”表示尴尬和没意思,有词汇化倾向。 Qiang(腔),an auxiliary in Nanyang dialects,can be epistemic in the canonical modality system,conveying speculation.Qiang forms seven constructions,namely qiang zhuo(腔着),qiang de zhuo(腔得着),qiang bu zhuo(腔不着),shi qiang jiu wen(十腔九稳),bu qiang(不腔),bu qiang ba(不腔吧)and mei qiang(没腔).Qiang is highly correlated to,and then co-occurs with,negation at various levels.The form of mei qiang(没腔)simultaneously realizes three degrees of epistemic modality:possibility;not necessarily;impossible.Bu qiang ba indicates the speaker's disbelief and surprise,that is bu hui ba(不会吧).Bu qiang ba expresses unexpected information,which is opposite to the speaker's expectations.Its internal structure is relatively solidified and cannot be used separately,with a tendency towards interjections.Mei qiang indicates awkwardness and unreliability,with a tendency towards lexicalization.
作者 李玉晶 LI Yujing(School of literature and Journalism,Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang524088,Guangdong,China)
出处 《铜仁学院学报》 2024年第2期69-77,97,共10页 Journal of Tongren University
基金 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划2020年度项目“豫鄂陕交界地带情态范畴对比研究”(GD20CZY04) 广东省高等教育学会“十四五”规划2023年度高等教育研究课题“新时代Seminar教学法在古代汉语课程思政建设中的应用研究”(23GYB31) 2020年度广东海洋大学人文社科研究项目(C20123)。
关键词 情态动词 情态的梯度 南阳方言 Qiang(腔) auxiliary degree Nanyang dialects
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