

A case of failing to carry out hygienic examination on central air-conditioning ventilation system according to regulations
摘要 公共卫生法制能力建设关系到人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,以及经济发展和社会稳定。强化执法意识是保障公共卫生安全及维护政府形象的根本要求,提高执法人员法律法规、执法文书正确使用、证据意识和收集能力、专业知识能力、依法行政意识等核心能力,可以更好地履行职责,保障人民群众健康权益。开展公共场所集中空调的卫生学检测,对寻找通风系统可能产生的污染物种类及聚集部位,分析系统污染现状和存在的问题,以及其对室内环境的影响,确定重点环节,细化卫生标准,规范集中空调通风系统的设计、完善日常运行管理、确定监督检查方向具有重要意义[1]。卫生行政部门应通过健康危害因素检测分析,建立有效的工作机制,对进一步完善集中空调通风系统卫生管理规范,提高执法人员对集中空调通风系统预防性卫生审核能力具有重要意义[2]。组织开展防治空气传播性疾病的宣传教育,督促经营单位建立集中空调通风系统定期清洗、检测等管理制度和应急处理预案,明确集中空调通风系统卫生管理人员职责,确保集中空调通风系统卫生质量符合卫生管理标准。 The legal capacity building of public health is related to people's health and life safety,as well as economic development and social stability.Strengthening the awareness of law enforcement is the fundamental requirement for ensuring public health safety and maintaining the image of the government.Improving the core abilities of law enforcement personnel,such as laws and regulations,correct use of law enforcement documents,awareness of evidence collection,professional knowledge and awareness of administration according to law,can better perform their duties and protect people's health rights and interests.It's of great significance to carry out hygiene inspection of central air conditioning in public places,to find out the ventilation system of pollutant and the assembled parts,pollution status quo and existing problems of system,and its influence on indoor environment,determine the key link,the refinement of health standards,norms of central air conditioning ventilation system design,improve the daily operation management,determine the direction of the supervision and inspection.Health administrative departments through the health hazard factors detection and analysis,the establishment of an effective working mechanism,to further improve the centralized air conditioning and ventilation system health management norms,improve the law enforcement personnel on the centralized air conditioning and ventilation system preventive health audit ability is of great significance.It is necessary to carry out the prevention and treatment of air-borne diseases of publicity and education,and urge business units to establish a centralized air conditioning and ventilation system regular cleaning,testing and other management system and emergency treatment plan,a clear centralized air conditioning and ventilation system health management responsibilities,to ensure that the health quality of the centralized air conditioning and ventilation system in line with health management standards.
作者 张璐 Zhang Lu(Taiyuan health comprehensive administration supervision lochus,Taiyuan 030032,China)
出处 《中国卫生法制》 2024年第3期84-88,共5页 China Health Law
关键词 集中空调 卫生学检测 竣工图纸 用品用具消毒 Central air conditioning Hygiene testing As-built drawings Supplies and appliances disinfection
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