

Research on Accompanying Regeneration Mode of Tianjin First Machine Tool Factory Building from a Full Life Cycle Perspective
摘要 城市更新是时代发展的必然趋势,存量发展是当代城市发展的重点。遗留在城市中的废弃工厂是城市的历史,是人文的记忆,是智慧的结晶。怎样让工厂建筑重新融入城市生活中,是我们面临的难题。文章立足于建筑全生命周期的角度,融合建筑改造中策划、设计、运行、更新于一体,为工厂在未来不同时期阶段的功能和结构进行前瞻设计,使之成为城市空间的新活力,并为日后的遗产改造提供借鉴。 Urban renewal is an inevitable trend of the times,and stock development is the focus of contemporary urban development.The abandoned factories left in the city are the history of the city,the memory of humanity,and the crystallization of wisdom.How to reintegrate factory buildings into urban life is a challenge we face.This paper is based on the perspective of the entire life cycle of architecture,integrating planning,design,operation,and updating in architectural renovation.It provides forward-looking design for the functions and structures of factories in different stages of the future,making them a new vitality of urban space and providing reference for future heritage renovation.
机构地区 青岛理工大学
出处 《建筑与文化》 2024年第5期97-99,共3页 Architecture & Culture
关键词 城市更新 陪伴式设计 建筑遗产 全生命周期 绿色建筑 urban renewal accompanying design architectural heritage full lifecycle green buildings
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