
19世纪后半叶印度民族主义意识探析——以帕勒登杜的戏剧为例 被引量:1

An Analysis of Nationalist Consciousness in India in the Second Half of the 19th Century from Bhartendu's Dramas
摘要 英国自18世纪初开始对印度进行占领和统治,至19世纪中叶实现完全殖民。随着英国殖民的深入推进,19世纪后半叶印度产生了民族主义意识。鉴于印度特殊的历史,该民族主义意识并不唯一。首先,由于英国殖民者的现实存在,印度出现了次大陆人民整体反对英国殖民者的民族主义意识,该意识反映了次大陆人民与英国殖民者的对立状况;第二,由于历史上伊斯兰教民族对次大陆进行了占领和统治,这一时期次大陆也产生了印度教民族主义意识,该意识反映了次大陆上印度教族群和伊斯兰教族群的对立状况;第三,由于更早时期雅利安人的进入和占领,19世纪后半叶还出现了雅利安民族主义意识,该意识反映了雅利安族群和达罗毗荼族群的对立状况。这三类民族主义意识在当代印度仍然存在,印度民族主义意识体现在当代印度的“去殖民化”现象之中;印度教民族主义意识体现在印度教社团组织和现执政党印度人民党的“印度教民族国家建构”工作之中;雅利安民族主义意识体现在独立后印度南北族群的对立言行之中。帕勒登杜是19世纪后半叶最为著名的印地语文学家和社会活动家之一,被誉为近现代印地语戏剧文学之父,其戏剧创作恰好反映了这三类民族主义意识,是印度19世纪后半叶民族主义意识的完整且集中叙事,代表性极强。 Britain began occupying and ruling India in the early 18th century,and achieved complete colonization by the mid-19th century.In response to the deepening of British colonization,nationalist consciousness emerged in India in the second half of the 19th century.Given India's unique history,this nationalist consciousness was not uniform.Firstly,due to the tangible presence of British colonists,an anti-British nationalist consciousness appeared among the people of the Indian subcontinent,showing the antagonistic relationship between subcontinental people and British colonists.Secondly,due to the history of the Islamic occupation and governance,there also arose Hindu nationalist consciousness,reflecting the tensions between the Hindu and Islamic groups.Thirdly,due to the earlier arrival and occupation by the Aryans into the Indian subcontinent,an Aryan nationalist consciousness also emerged in the second half of the 19th century,reflecting the opposition between the Aryans and the Dravidians.The three forms of nationalist consciousness still exist in contemporary Indian manifested in the ongoing process of"decolonization".Hindu nationalist consciousness is salient in various Hindu organizations and the construction of a"Hindu Rashtra"by the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Aryan nationalist consciousness can be seen in the divisive actions and remarks of the northern and southern communities in post-independence India.Bharatendu Harishchandra is one of the most famous Hindi writers and social activists in the second half of the 19th century.He is known as the father of modern Hindi drama.Giving expression to all the three forms of nationalist consciousness,Bharatendu's dramas provide a complete and concentrated narrative of India's nationalist consciousness in the second half of the 19th century with their significant representativeness.
作者 姜景奎 JIANG Jing-kui
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2023年第6期121-134,157,共15页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 印度民族主义 印度教民族主义 雅利安民族主义 印地语戏剧 帕勒登杜 Indian Nationalism Hindu Nationalism Aryan Nationalism Hindi Drama Bharatendu
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