Sarah Waters’novel Affinity tells the story of Margaret Prior,a Victorian woman from a wealthy upper-class family,who accepts her psychiatrist’s advice to visit Millbank prison regularly and befriends enigmatic spiritualist Selina Dawes.Prior has new encounters in the prison,and even changes the course of her life forever.In Affinity,Waters goes beyond the usual gender narratives,or historical representations,of neo-Victorian novels,and turns her attention to the strife and contradictions within the community of sexual and gender minority women.She utilizes important symbols in the discursive construction of class and money to present a holistic picture of British society and its underlying economic ethos.The shape of Prior’s family structure and its social and gendered expectations,the environmental and architectural contrasts of the fine cottage and the ghastly prison,and the logic of interactions between classes hidden in the psychic powers,come together to construct the symbols.The family’s social admonitions and warnings about property management that Prior receives after her prison visit,and the fact that she has been chosen as the subject of a deception,further underscore the complex economic ethics:the unbridgeable class divide in Victorian England and people’s entrenched social psyche.
Daniela Licandro
WANG Yuan-jiang;Daniela Licandro(Beijing Foreign Studies University Haidian District,Beijing,100089;University of Milan,Italy Milan,Italy)
Journal of Mudanjiang College of Education