

Studies on Dynamics of Electrical Actuated Brake System of the Civil Aircraft:A Review
摘要 温室效应对全球环境产生了巨大的影响,飞机在高空飞行过程中排放的废气相较于地面排放对大气影响更大.并且商业航线也朝着更密集的趋势发展,为了实现航空出行的无碳化,促使商业飞机朝着多电,甚至全电化发展.相较于传统飞机,多电和全电飞机的刹车系统都采用电驱动代替液压驱动,而电驱动刹车系统的性能品质是多电/全电飞机安全稳定着陆的关键因素之一.通过总结国内外有关多电/全电飞机以及电驱动刹车的技术发展历程,介绍了民用多电飞机电驱动刹车的结构组成,以及此类电驱动刹车各子系统、子系统之间交互的动力学建模方法.由于电驱动刹车系统可以归结为由多个刚性子系统组成的多体系统,子系统之间的接触因为间隙、摩擦存在不连续的相互作用力.另外,飞机在着落接地瞬间存在冲击,滑跑过程中主机轮由于存在滑动,与地面的摩擦力系数随时间变化,这些也会给整个刹车系统引入不连续性.民用多电飞机电刹车系统的子系统之间接触力存在不连续而引起的系统交互的不连续,以及外部不连续激励引发电刹车系统产生复杂动力学行为的机理是未来的研究重点. The global environment has been severely influenced by the green-house effects,and it will cause greater impact on the environment for the pollutant gas emitted by the aircraft during the high-altitude flight,compared with those emitted on the ground.Additionally,the density of the commercial airlines is still increasing,thus more electric aircraft(MEA)or even all electric aircraft(AEA)becomes a trend for the commercial aircraft in order to achieve carbon-free travel.Compared to the traditional aircraft,the brake system for both the MEA and AEA adopts the electric actuator to replace the hydraulic actuator,and it is one of the critical factors of safe and stable landing of MAE/AEA for the performance and quality of the electrical actuated brake system.Through summarizing the technical progress of MEA/AEA and electrical actuated brake system worldwide,the structure schematic and the modeling methods of the subsystems and their interactions are introduced.Since the electrical actuated brake system can be regarded as a multi-body system which is consisted with multiple rigid systems,it has discontinuous interaction forces due to the clearance and friction between the subsystems.Then,it has impact when the aircraft landing on the ground,and the friction coefficient between the wheel of the aircraft and the ground is time-varying due to the slip effects.Therefore,it will introduce discontinuity into the dynamical system of the brake system.It becomes important to study the mechanism of the complex dynamic behaviors due to the discontinuous interaction forces between the subsystems and the discontinuous external excitations of the electrical actuated brake system of the civil MAE aircraft in the future.
作者 赵兰浩 黄健哲 Zhao Lanhao;Huang Jianzhe(Electromechanical Business Department,Shanghai Aircraft Design&Research Institute,Shanghai 201210,China;School of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《动力学与控制学报》 2024年第3期1-13,共13页 Journal of Dynamics and Control
基金 上海商用飞机系统工程科创中心联合研究基金(CASEF-2022-M03) 国家自然科学基金(11901385) 重庆自然科学基金(cstc2021jcyj-msxmX0089) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金。
关键词 电驱动飞机 刹车系统 非线性动力学 振动 electrical actuated aircraft brake system nonlinear dynamics vibration
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