

The Unity of Nationalization and Modernization:A Study of Xu Teli’s Thought on Primary Chinese Language Education
摘要 民国初年,政府在教育事业方面的角色缺失,反向促进了文化精英与知识团体对教育革新的多元探索,徐特立便是诸多导夫先路者中的翘楚。他在借鉴国外教育理论、扬弃历史经验的基础上,对小学语文教育进行系统化、科学化与民族化的构想,为尚在草创阶段的语文学科提供了现代化转型的思路与方案。在语文教育观上,徐特立提出形式与实质二元统一的观点,并据此形成了贯通一体的语文教育本体论、功能论与教学论,廓清了语文学科性质、语文教学内容、教材选文标准等重要问题;在语文教学法上,徐特立提出了科学合理、多元互补的识字教学方法,并一反历史惯习,设计了现代语文教育史上首个话法教学方案;在语文知识体系上,徐特立拟订了语法和修辞教学大纲,语文学科的知识体系由此初具雏形。徐特立的语文教育思想,具有高度的理论自觉和深厚的民族意识,对中国式语文教育现代化建设具有诸多启示意义。 In the early years of the Republic of China,the lack of the government’s role in education,in turn promoted the cultural elites and intellectual groups to explore multiple educational innovations,and Xu Teli was one of the many who led the way.Drawing on foreign educational theories and discarding historical experience,he conceived of a systematic,scientific and nationalized approach to primary Chinese language education,offering ideas and solutions for the modernization and transformation of the Chinese language discipline that is still in its in-fancy.In terms of the concept of Chinese language education,Xu Teli proposed the unity of form and substance,and formulated a coherent ontology,functional theory and pedagogy of Chinese language education,clarifying im-portant issues such as the nature of the Chinese language discipline,the content of Chinese language teaching and the criteria for selecting textbooks.In terms of Chinese language teaching methods,Xu proposed a scientifically rea-sonable,diverse and complementary approach to the teaching of literacy,and went against historical habits to de-sign the first teaching plan for language teaching in the history of modern Chinese language education.In terms of Chinese language knowledge system,Teli’s formulated a teaching outline for grammar and rhetoric,and thus the knowledge system of Chinese language discipline took its shape.Xu Telli’s ideas on language education are highly theoretically conscious and have a profound national consciousness,and are highly instructive for the moderniza-tion of the Chinese language education.
作者 王梓睿 韩再超 WANG Zirui;HAN Zaichao(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875)
出处 《湖南第一师范学院学报》 2024年第2期35-43,共9页 Journal of Hunan First Normal University
基金 2022年度国家社科基金重大项目“中国现代语文教育理论资料的搜集、整理与研究”(22&ZD309)。
关键词 徐特立 小学语文 语文教育思想 民族化 现代化 Xu Teli primary Chinese language thought on Chinese language education nationalization modernization
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