

The Influence of the New Curriculum Reform of the Ideological and Political Course in Senior High Schools on the Ideological and Political Course in Colleges and Universities
摘要 高中思政课新课改和新高考实施以来,课程理念和目标、课程结构和内容、课程实施和考试评价等都发生了重大变化。这些变化必将对高校思政课产生影响,学生学科核心素养的继续培育、学生知识结构和基础的改变、活动型思想政治学科课程的实施以及不分文理科和“走班制”的出现,对高校思政课的课程和教学改革都提出了新要求、新挑战。高校思政课应该遵循大中小学思政课一体化建设的要求,更新课程理念和目标,注重教学内容和方法衔接,变革教学组织形式,加强与高中的交流沟通,以更好地应对高中思政课新课改对高校思政课带来的影响。 Since the implementation of the new curriculum reform and the new college entrance examination in senior high schools,great changes have taken place in curriculum ideas and objectives,curriculum structure and content,curriculum implementation and examination evaluation.These changes are bound to have an impact on the ideological and political course in colleges and universities.The continuous cultivation of students’core discipline quality,the change of students’knowledge structure and foundation,the implementation of active type of ideological and political courses,and the emergence of cancel the division of arts and science and“the Class-Selection System”have put forward new requirements and challenges to the curriculum and teaching reform of the ideological and political course in colleges and universities.The ideological and political course in colleges and universities should follow the requirements of the integrated construction of the ideological and political course in universities,middle schools and primary schools,update the curriculum concept and objectives,pay attention to the connection of teaching content and methods,change the teaching organization form,strengthen the communication with senior high schools,so as to better cope with the changes brought about by the new curriculum reform of the ideological and political course in senior high schools.
作者 徐升 XU Sheng(School of Marxism,Nanjing Communications Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211188,China)
出处 《湖北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第3期86-91,共6页 Journal of Hubei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science)
基金 教育部高校思想政治理论课教师研究专项“‘毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论’课与高中思政课、历史课教学衔接研究”(20JDSZK031) 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人项目资助。
关键词 高中思政课 新课改 高校思政课 影响 应对 the ideological and political course in senior high school the new curriculum reform the ideological and political courses in colleges and universities influence reply
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