A transparent society epitomizes a paradigm wherein data-driven,visualized,and algorithmically mediated communication thrives.It serves as a platform for societal affirmation,exhibitionism,acceleration,and surveillance.Affirmation within this society eschews negative discourse,fostering a collective mentality.Exhibitionism transforms communication into a voyeuristic spectacle,while acceleration engenders a glut of interpersonal interactions.Surveillance,once the domain of strangers,now manifests as intimate monitoring by acquaintances.Privacy,conceived as a spatial construct,embodies the subject's imperative to safeguard its inherent opacity.It retreats into inner sanctums,carving out a domain of secrecy.Protecting privacy extends beyond safeguarding secrets;it is integral to upholding individual dignity and life's sanctity.Privacy ethics,a moral safeguard,shields personal affairs,information,and domains from intrusion and violation.Diverging from legal notions of privacy,it operates on principles distinct in subjectivity,scope,mechanism,and execution.In a transparent society,privacy ethics evolve from concealment to transparency.Paradoxically,privacy thrives amidst transparency,with ethics transcending interactions with strangers to encompass familiar acquaintances.The seemingly boundless transparent society does not wholly obliterate privacy;instead,active transparency becomes a shield against intrusion.Transparency with acquaintances preserves genuine privacy,while openness to strangers fosters camaraderie and trust.This recalibration of privacy ethics stems from the trans-interpersonal communication dynamics inherent in a transparent society.
Yuejiang Academic Journal