

Professor Chen Taohou in the Treatment of Intractable Hiccups Associated with Diarrhea in Children by Using High Doses Smoked Plum for One Medical Record
摘要 呃逆指胃气上逆,致喉间连续发出短而频的呃呃声,且难以自止的病证。呃逆持续时间超过48 h,则为顽固性呃逆。顽固性呃逆病因复杂,治疗棘手,西医多采用肌松药或抗精神病药进行对症治疗,虽起效快但常伴随较多不良反应,且易反复。陈陶后教授在总结前人经验的基础上,结合自身多年临床经验,提出小儿顽固性呃逆的主要病机为气机升降失常,与中焦脾、胃、肝密切相关,治疗时应该注重疏肝健脾、调畅气机。文章详细记录了陈陶后教授重用乌梅治疗小儿顽固性呃逆伴腹泻案例1则,并分析其组方用药特点,以期为此病的临床治疗提供参考。 Hiccup refers to the stomach gas super inverse,resulting in the throat of the continuous short and frequent hiccup sound,difficult to stop by themselves.Hiccups that last for more than 48 hours are called stubborn hiccups.The disease has a complex etiol-ogy and an intractable treatment.Western medicine mostly uses muscle relaxants or antipsychotic drugs for symptomatic treatment,with fast onset and effect but often accompanied by more adverse reactions,and it is easy to repeat.Professor Chen Taohou,on the ba-sis of summarizing the experience of the predecessors and combining with years of clinical experience,put forward that the main dis-ease machine of hiccups in children is abnormal qi movement rise and fall,which is closely related to the spleen,stomach and liver of middle jiao.When treating this disease,we should pay attention to comfortable liver qi,healthy the spleen and stomach,adjust qi movement.By recording the medical case of Chen Taohou use high doses smoked plum in the treatment of intractable hiccups associ-ated with diarrhea in children and analyzing the drug characteristics of the prescription group,the authors hope to provide a reference for the clinical treatment of intractable hiccups.
作者 魏芹芹 王怡然 郑仁 王亚晓 鲁艳芳 WEI Qinqin;WANG Yiran;ZHENG Ren;WANG Yaxiao;LU Yanfang(Department of Acupuncture Rehabilitation,Wuhan Orthopedic Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Medicine,Hubei Province,Wuhan 430061,China;Clinical School of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hubei University of Chinese Medicine,Hubei Province,Wuhan 430061,China;The First Clinical College,Hubei University of Chinese Medicine,Hubei Province,Wuhan 430061,China)
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2024年第13期73-76,共4页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
基金 湖北省卫生和计划生育委员会湖北中医大师陈陶后工作室项目【No.鄂卫生计生通报[2018]15号】 湖北中医药大学“十四五”优秀学科团队建设项目【No.100702020803】 湖北省大学生创新创业训练计划立项项目【No.S202210507008】。
关键词 顽固性呃逆 腹泻 乌梅 通因通用 陈陶后 医案 intractable hiccups diarrhea smoked plum treating diarrhea with purgative Chen Taohou medical case
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