

Influence of door numbers and platform height on interval tunnelevacuation under a moving subway train with fire
摘要 地铁列车在隧道内运行过程中突发火灾时,往往不能立即停车进行疏散。列车火灾事故下烟气蔓延严重,加之隧道内环境昏暗、空间狭窄,疏散过程中人员安全受到极大威胁。通过构建列车火灾事故烟气蔓延与区间隧道疏散数值仿真模型,研究列车单节车厢含4个车门、5个车门与车门距疏散平台高度分别为0、0.3、0.7和1.2 m时的人员疏散行为特征变化规律。研究结果表明:在列车发生火灾事故时,高温烟气受活塞风的影响向火源下游区域蔓延,火源下游区域人员疏散受到极大影响;单节车厢4个车门的疏散总时间比单节车厢5个车门的疏散总时间长;当列车车门距平台高度增加时,人员离开车厢的时间增加,从而增加人员疏散总时间;隧道内高温烟气导致火源上游出口拥堵程度明显比下游出口的拥堵程度高,且列车车门距平台高度增加使得火源上游出口处的拥堵程度得到缓解,火源下游出口拥堵程度先缓解后逐渐加剧。 As a fire accident occurs when a train moves in tunnel,it cannot stop to evacuate immediately.The fire smoke of the moving train with fire accident and the narrow space make evacuation process seriously threatened.A smoke spread and interval tunnel evacuation simulation model under the moving train with fire was built.The differences in evacuation behavior were analyzed when there were four or five doors in a carriage and a walkway height of 0,0.3,0.7 and 1.2 m.The results show that smoke caused by the moving train with fire is mainly distributed in the downstream area of the fire source,and the personnel evacuation is extremely restricted in the downstream area of the fire source.The evacuation time of four doors in a carriage is more than that of the five doors in a carriage.The time of leave carriage increases with the increase of the evacuation walkway height,and the evacuation time also increases.The high-temperature smoke causes the congestion at the upstream exit to be higher than the downstream exit.The congestion at the upstream exit of the fire source decreases with the decrease of the evacuation walkway height,and the congestion at the downstream exit of the fire source decreases initially,but then increases.
作者 孙江涛 鲁寨军 周丹 SUN Jiangtao;LU Zhaijun;ZHOU Dan(Key Laboratory of Traffic Safety on the Track of Ministry of Education,School of Traffic&Transportation Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410075,China;Joint International Research Laboratory of Key Technology for Rail Traffic Safety,Central South University,Changsha 410075,China;National&Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Safety Technology for Rail Vehicle,Central South University,Changsha 410075,China)
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1581-1590,共10页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(2022JJ30744)。
关键词 地铁区间隧道 列车火灾 车门数量 疏散平台高度 区间隧道疏散 subway tunnel train fires train door number evacuation walkway height interval tunnel evacuation
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