

Exploration of the Path of Chinese-style Modernization from the Perspective of the World’s Anti-Globalization Phenomenon
摘要 当前世界的“逆全球化”现象有着深刻的内在原因,从发展中国家来说,既缘于本国现代化发展道路不适合国情,也有国际经济秩序不合理的因素在内;而对于发达国家来说,则主要由于西方资本主义生产方式内在矛盾无法克服,其上层精英转移焦点,试图以“逆全球化”手段“迂回挽救”,以求缓和矛盾,维持统治。中国式现代化道路是一条适合本国发展的道路,在实现本国发展的同时,兼顾世界其他国家人民的利益,是一条世界人民“美美与共”的新发展之路。 The current phenomenon of anti-globalization in the world has profound internal reasons.From the perspective of developing countries,it is partly due to the unsuitability of their own modernization development path to national conditions,as well as the irrationality of the international economic order.For developed countries,it is mainly because the inherent contradictions of Western capitalist production methods are insurmountable,leading the government elites to shift their attention and attempt to“circumvent rescue”through the anti-globalization means in order to alleviate contradictions and maintain their dominance.The Chinese-style modernization path is a path suitable for China’s development,which not only achieves China’s own development but also considers the interests of the people of other countries in the world,representing a new development path of“win-win cooperation”for the people of the world.
作者 俞小和 YU Xiaohe(School of Marxism,Hefei Normal University,Hefei 230601,China)
出处 《合肥师范学院学报》 2024年第1期8-13,共6页 Journal of Hefei Normal University
基金 安徽省“三全育人”试点省建设暨高校思想政治能力提升计划项目(名师工作室)“地方本科高校‘习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想’大众化协同机制研究”(sztsjh-2020-1-12) 安徽省社会科学创新发展研究课题“安徽红色资源与党史教育大中小学段贯通研究”(2021CX007)。
关键词 逆全球化 中国式现代化 anti-globalization Chinese-style modernization
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