

The Scientific Connotation,Value Orientation and Practice Strategy of Chinese Path to Sports Modernization
摘要 采用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,以中国式体育现代化为研究视角,探究中国式体育现代化的科学内涵、价值取向和实践方略。研究认为,中国式体育现代化的本质要求是坚持走以人民为中心、以满足人民美好生活需要和建设社会主义精神文明的现代化道路。其功能和价值表现为:构建具有中国特色的体育事业体系;塑造具有鲜明中国特色的竞技体育举国体制;服务以建设体育强国为核心的国家目标;形成具有社会主义本色的中国式体育现代化。中国式体育现代化作为建设中国式现代化的题中应有之义,既有历史诉求、现实需求,又有未来追求,要实现中国式体育现代化远景目标,必须要强化习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想对中国式体育现代化的指引,不断推进体育制度公正、提高体育科学化水平、推动体育教育现代化和构建现代体育产业体系,才能为实现中华民族伟大复兴提供强劲的内生动力和支撑保障。 By using the literature and logic analysis as well as many other research methods,this paper explores the scientific connotation,value orientation and practice strategy of the Chinese path to modernization from the perspective of the Chinese path to modernization.According to the research,the essential requirement of the Chinese path to sports modernization is to keep to the path of modernization centered on people,so as to satisfy the aspiration of the Chinese people for a better life and build a socialist spiritual civilization.Its functions and values are as follows:to build a sports system with Chinese characteristics;to create a nationwide system of competitive sports with distinctive Chinese characteristics;to serve the national goal of building China into a leading sporting nation as its core;to achieve Chinese path to modernization with socialist nature.The Chinese path to sports modernization is essential for realizing Chinese modernization.It includes not only the historical demand and present need,but also the future pursuit.To achieve the long-range objectives,it is necessary to strengthen the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era on the Chinese path to sports modernization,continuously promote the fairness of sports systems,enhance the scientific level of sports,drive sports education modernization,and construct a modern sporting industry system.Only then can we provide strong internal drive and support for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 林桥兵 张骞 夏力 熊焰 LIN Qiaobing;ZHANG Qian;XIA Li;XIONG Yan(Wuhan Business University Sports Institute,Wuhan 430000,China;Department of Sports Training,Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510006,China;School of Physical Education,Guangdong Baiyun University,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《体育科学研究》 2024年第2期10-18,共9页 Sports Science Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(18BTY020) 2022年度湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究项目阶段性成果(项目编号:22G089)。
关键词 中国式现代化 中国式体育现代化 体育强国 公共体育服务 Chinese path to modernization Chinese path to sports modernization sports power publie sports services
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