

An empirical study on vertical or horizontal vision for reading in translation
摘要 翻译阅读可采用两种方式:一种是阅读与翻译垂直,阅读在翻译之前;另一种是阅读与翻译平行,阅读与翻译回溯交叉。哪一种方式对翻译实践的促学效果更显著?围绕这一问题,本文从阐释翻译阅读的两种不同视域入手,开展读后续译翻译教学,考察阅读作为翻译前阶段与翻译并行阶段的效应对比。实证研究以英语专业的本科生教学为基础,做实验班(平行视域阅读)和对照班(垂直视域阅读)的课堂教学效果对比。课堂测试的t检验结果表明,实验班在翻译充分性的五项指标上明显优于对照班。课堂观察结果也支持实验班翻译流利性更显著的结论。对实验班的调查问卷结果进一步显示,平行视域突显了学生阅读体验、翻译体验和边读边译的翻译效果。基于主客观数据分析,平行视域促进翻译效果的原因可归纳如下:首先,平行视域有利于学生深度理解原文,明确译文语言的校准依据。其次,平行视域有利于学生克服短时记忆局限,缩短理解与模仿之间的整合时间。再次,平行视域有利于学生形成自主的比较—对照框架、问题—解决方案框架。 Reading can be applied in two different stages in translation.The vertical vision sees reading as a pre-translating task which precedes translation practice while the horizontal vision holds that reading can be applied as a while-reading task in which reading and translation are horizontal and they intersect retroactively.Which one plays a more facilitative role in enhancing translation teaching?Starting from a detailed look into the two variants of the reading task and based on the teaching practice of continuation task in translation,this paper presents a comparative study on the effects of reading as a pre-translating stage and a while-translating stage.In this empirical study,classroom teaching was conducted respectively in an experimental class(horizontal vision)and a control class(vertical vision).The subjects from both classes are undergraduate English majors.The t-test results of the translation quiz show that the experimental class excel the control class in the five indexes regarding adequateness of translation.Meanwhile,classroom observation is consistent with the assessment result that the experimental class outperforms the control class in terms of fluency.Subjects from the experimental class were asked to complete a questionnaire by rating themselves according to their behaviors in horizontal reading.The results indicate that horizontal reading has enhanced the interaction between reading and translation.Based on these findings,we summarize the reasons for the facilitative effect of the horizontal vision as follows.First,it helps students to get a deeper understanding of the source text and to make clear of the target-text standard that they need to conform to.Secondly,it is helpful for students to overcome the limitations of short-term memory and integrate the tasks of comprehension and imitation in a shorter time.Thirdly,it is conducive for students to form a comparison-contrast and problem-solution framework in translation practice.
作者 陈吉荣 石洁 Chen Jirong;Shi Jie(School of Foreign Languages,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China)
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期37-44,共8页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省教育科学“十四五”规划课题“基于‘读后续译’模式的翻译教学改革研究”(JG21DB311)。
关键词 平行视域 垂直视域 读后续译 翻译教学 horizontal vision vertical vison continuation task in translation translation teaching
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