
2018-2022年云南省百日咳流行病学特征 被引量:1

Epidemiological characteristics of pertussis in Yunnan province,2018-2022
摘要 目的分析2018-2022年云南省百日咳流行病学特征。方法通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统收集2018-2022年云南省百日咳报告病例,描述性分析报告发病率和分布特征。结果2018-2022年云南省共报告百日咳1386例,年均报告发病率(/10万,下同)为0.59,报告发病率从2018年的0.19(91例)上升至2022年的1.29(605例)。0-4岁、5-9岁、10-14岁、≥15岁病例年均报告发病率分别为8.03(1143例)、1.36(200例)、0.17(27例)、0.01(16例),其中0岁病例为32.98(917例,66.16%)。在获得含百日咳成分疫苗接种信息的1056例病例中,0剂次、1剂次、2剂次、3剂次、4剂次免疫史分别占41.57%、16.48%、4.64%、9.38%、27.94%。在所有病例中实验室确诊比例为65.08%(902例),从2018年的20.88%(19例)上升至2022年的71.57%(433例)。结论2018-2022年云南省百日咳发病率呈上升趋势,以婴幼儿发病为主;需继续加强适龄儿童百日咳常规免疫,提高百日咳监测敏感性和实验室诊断能力。 Objective To analyze epidemiological characteristics of pertussis in Yunnan province from 2018 to 2022.Methods We obtained data on pertussis cases reported during 2018-2022 in Yunnan from the China Disease Control and Prevention Information System for analyses of incidence and distribution.Results A total of 1386 pertussis cases were reported in Yunnan from 2018 to 2022,yielding an average annual reported incidence of 0.59 per 100000 population.Annual incidence per 100000 increased from 0.19(91 cases)in 2018 to 1.29(605 cases)in 2022.Annual average incidences per 100000 for 0-4-,5-9-,10-14-,and≥15-year-olds were 8.03(1143 cases),1.36(200 cases),0.17(27 cases),and 0.01(16 cases),respectively,with 32.98(917 cases,66.16%)among infants.Among the 1056 cases with pertussis vaccination records,cases who had received 0,1,2,3,and 4 doses of pertussis-containing vaccine accounted for 41.57%,16.48%,4.64%,9.38%,and 27.94%.Laboratory-confirmed cases accounted for 65.08%(902 cases)of all cases,ranging from 20.88%(19 cases)in 2018 to 71.57%(433 cases)in 2022.Conclusions The incidence of pertussis increased from 2018 to 2022 in Yunnan,with the highest rate among infants.We need to continue strengthening routine pertussis vaccination of age-eligible children and improving pertussis surveillance sensitivity and laboratory diagnostic capacity.
作者 余文 姚明 唐婷婷 邱钰婷 许琳 赵智娴 Yu Wen;Yao Ming;Tang Tingting;Qiu Yuting;Xu Lin;Zhao Zhixian(Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Kunming 650022,Yunnan,China;School of Public Health,Dali University,Dali 671000,Yunnan,China)
出处 《中国疫苗和免疫》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期179-183,共5页 Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
关键词 百日咳 流行病学特征 监测 Pertussis Epidemiological characteristics Surveillance
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