

Reason analysis of high consumption of triethylene glycol in drying unit and optimization measures
摘要 国内某煤制气项目干燥装置分为A、B系列,装置运行初期,三甘醇消耗量低于设计指标,但运行一段时间后,干燥装置A、B系列均出现三甘醇消耗量偏高现象,通过对干燥装置A、B系列三甘醇消耗量偏高时各运行指标分析,查找三甘醇消耗量偏高的原因,并针对三甘醇消耗量偏高原因,通过降低湿天然气温度、贫三甘醇溶液温度,减少天然气中三甘醇的带出量,并对干燥装置生产废液流程改造、增加天然气分离器底部三甘醇收集管线,回收利用废液中的三甘醇,从而减少干燥装置A、B系列三甘醇消耗量,通过调整和改造后增加了装置运行的经济性、稳定性、安全性,节约了生产成本,实现了降本增效。 The drying unit of a coal-to-gas project in China is divided into A and B series.At the initial stage of operation,the consumption of triethylene glycol is lower than the design index,but after running for a period of time,the phenomenon of high consumption of triethylene glycol appears in the drying unit of both A and B series.Through the analysis of the operating indexes of drying unit of A and B series when the consumption of triethylene glycol is high,the reasons for the high consumption of triethylene glycol is found.Aiming at the reasons of high consumption of triethylene glycol,by lowering the temperature of wet natural gas and depleting triethylene glycol solution,reducing the amount of triethylene glycol brought out from natural gas,and retrofitting the process of waste liquid production of drying unit,adding the triethylene glycol collection line at the bottom of natural gas separator,so as to recycle and utilize the triethylene glycol in the waste liquid,thus reducing the triethylene glycol consumption in drying unit of A and B series.After the adjustment and transformation,the economy,stability and safety of the operation of the device are increased and the production cost is saved,thus realizing the cost reduction and efficiency increase.
作者 张福亭 张杰 崔继华 ZHANG Futing;ZHANG Jie;CUI Jihua(Yili Xintian Coal Chemical Co.,Ltd.,Yining 835000,Xinjiang Province)
出处 《氮肥技术》 CAS 2024年第1期26-30,36,共6页 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Technology
关键词 干燥装置 三甘醇 废液回收改造 三甘醇的性质 甲烷化合成装置 drying plant triethylene glycol waste liquid recyclingretrofit properties of triethylene glycol methane synthesis unit
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