

Characterization,Causes and Governance of Ethical Risks in the Application of General Large Model in Education
摘要 通用大模型具备“能理解会创作”的能力,将可能给教育实践带来更为颠覆性的变革,但也可能加剧传统伦理问题并产生新的伦理风险。这些伦理风险的类型主要包括:技术风险、内容风险、数据风险与算法风险。依据通用大模型的技术基础与教育应用伦理风险的表现,教育领域通用大模型应用伦理风险具有客观性与主观性并存、价值性与风险性并存、可控性与不确定性并存等特征。这些伦理风险的形成既有技术因素,也有人的因素。技术因素主要包括:模型能力的涌现性可能导致应用失控、功能的泛化性可能导致人的异化、输入数据的海量性与无序性可能导致对人的侵犯、内容的生成性可能导致教育失序等。人的因素主要包括:因技术水平有限导致我国缺少自主知识产权的教育大模型、对通用大模型技术认知不足、商业竞争导致技术缺陷、通用大模型技术伦理规范与监管落后等。依据教育领域通用大模型应用伦理风险表征与成因分析,可从加快开发我国自主知识产权的教育专用大模型、筑牢通用大模型开发与应用的监管体系、构建通用大模型相适配的教育新形态、扶持弱势群体以缩小“数字鸿沟”、加强对通用大模型的理论研究与知识普及等方面进行伦理风险治理。 General large model,which has the ability of“understanding and creating,”is likely to bring about profound changes in educational practice.However,it may also aggravate traditional ethical problems and give rise to new ethical risks.The main types of ethical risks include technical,content,data and algorithm risks.According to the technical basis of general large model and the manifestation of ethical risks in educational application,the ethical risks associated with the application of general large model in education are characterized by the coexistence of objectivity and subjectivity,value and risk,controllability and uncertainty.The formation of these ethical risks is influenced by both technical and human factors.Technical factors mainly include:the emergent capabilities of model may lead to uncontrolled application,the generalization of functions may lead to the alienation of individuals,the massive and disordered nature of input data may lead to the violation of privacy,and the generation of content may lead to the disruption of educational order.Human factors mainly include:the lack of education models with independent intellectual property rights due to limited technical capabilities,insufficient recognition of general large model technology,technical defects arising from commercial competition,and the lagging of ethical norms and supervision in the technology of general large model.Based on the analysis of the characterization and causes of ethical risks in the application of general large model in education,ethical risk governance can be carried out by accelerating the development of education-specific large models with independent intellectual property rights in China,establishing a regulatory system for the development and application of general large model,constructing new forms of education adapted to general large model,supporting vulnerable groups to narrow the“digital divide,”and strengthening theoretical research and knowledge dissemination on general large model.
作者 吴河江 吴砥 WU He-jiang;WU Di(Educational Informatization Strategy Research Base of the Ministry of EducationCentral China J,Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei,430079)
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期33-41,共9页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
基金 2022年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“教育数字化转型的国际比较研究”(22JZD045)。
关键词 通用大模型 技术伦理 ChatGPT 教育理论 未来教育 general large model technology ethics ChatGPT educational theory future education
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