

China's Central Asia Diplomacy and Central Asian Studies in the New Context:An Interview with Professor Yang Shu
摘要 中亚与中国毗邻,在中国对外关系中具有重要地位。尽管中亚地区只有五个国家,但该地区与中国外交布局中的大国外交、周边外交、与发展中国家外交、多边外交均息息相关。巩固和提高中国中亚外交的成效、加大对中亚问题研究的投入,是新时期我国需着力开展的工作。在当前错综复杂的国际和地区形势下,中亚地区的地缘政治地位进一步凸显。近年来,我们看到诸多域外大国明显加大了对中亚地区的关注和投入力度,各种“C5+1”机制的出现和升级就是明证。而中亚国家在复杂的内外形势下也遭遇了不少困难,仅在2022年,就先后有三个中亚国家出现了程度不同的国内骚乱。这些形势的发展,使中国的中亚外交面临一系列机遇和挑战。得益于中国对中亚国家的尊重和双方基于互利共赢理念所开展的友好合作,中国三十多年来对中亚的外交取得了显著成效,双方的政治互信达到了新的高度,这为下一阶段双方关系的提质升级奠定了良好基础。与此同时,时代和形势的变化,以及中亚国家自身发展需要的变化,也对双方关系的深化提出了许多新的要求,这为区域国别学的创设提供了契机。应该抓紧机遇,推进中亚研究的深入和细化;同时在政策层面创新思路、完善举措,以更周全的思维、精心思考的行动,保障中国中亚外交行稳致远,实现双方的协同发展。 Central Asia shares a border with China and holds a significant position in China's foreign relations.Despite the region consisting of only five countries,its importance is intricately linked to China's major diplomatic strategies,including relations with major countries,neighboring countries,developing nations,and multilateral diplomacy.Strengthening and enhancing the effectiveness of China's diplomacy in Central Asia,along with increasing investments in research on Central Asian affairs,are crucial tasks for our country in the new era.In the current complex international and regional landscape,the geopolitical significance of Central Asia has become even more pronounced.In recent years,we have observed a marked increase in attention and investment from external major countries in the Central Asia region,with the emergence and upgrading of various“C5+1”mechanisms serving as clear evidence.Central Asian countries have also faced numerous challenges amid complex internal and external situations,with three of them experiencing varying degrees of domestic unrest in 2022 alone.These developments present a series of opportunities and challenges for China's diplomacy in Central Asia.Thanks to China's respect for Central Asian countries and the friendly cooperation based on the principle of mutual benefit and win-win outcomes,China's diplomacy in Central Asia has achieved significant results over the past three decades.The political trust between the two sides has reached new heights,laying a solid foundation for enhancing and upgrading bilateral relations in the next phase.At the same time,changes in the era and situation,as well as the evolving development needs of Central Asian countries,have placed new demands on deepening bilateral relations.This offers an opportunity for the establishment of regional country studies.We should seize this opportunity to advance in-depth and detailed research on Central Asia;innovate in policy thinking and improve measures at the policy level;and with more comprehensive thinking and well-considered actions,ensure the steady and far-reaching progress of China's diplomacy in Central Asia,achieving coordinated development between both sides.
作者 杨恕 王术森 Yang Shu;Wang Shusen
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 2024年第2期47-68,共22页 Russian Studies
关键词 中国中亚外交 区域国别学 中亚局势 俄乌冲突 China's Central Asia Diplomacy Regional Studies Central Asian Landscape Russia-Ukraine Conflict
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