

How does ecological compensation promote the common prosperity of farmers in the ecological protection red line areas?
摘要 在生态保护红线区与经济发展滞后地区高度重合的情境下,如何更好地发挥生态补偿在“绿水青山”转化为“金山银山”中的积极作用,是促进区域协调发展、逐步实现共同富裕的关键,也是破解生态保护红线区保护与发展之间矛盾的现实需要。该研究基于山东省生态保护红线区的1762份实地调研数据,从物质-精神-环境的三重视角出发,在综合测度生态保护红线区农户共同富裕水平基础上,运用普通最小二乘法和四段式中介效应模型,揭示了生态补偿对当地农户共同富裕实现的促进效应、作用渠道及异质性影响。研究结果显示:①生态补偿能够有效促进生态保护红线区农户共同富裕,在使用工具变量、控制政府执行力指数、数据缩尾处理以重新核算被解释变量后,结果依然稳健。②分维度来看,虽然输血型生态补偿和造血型生态补偿均能够发挥多维富民效应,但无论在物质富裕维度、精神富裕维度还是环境富裕维度,造血型生态补偿的促进效应均优于输血型生态补偿。③作用渠道分析表明,生态补偿主要通过提升农户非农就业率、增强农户内生动力和提高其政府信任度等途径来促进生态保护红线区农户共同富裕。④异质性检验发现,生态补偿对生态保护红线区农户共同富裕的促进效应在经济发展程度较低地区更为凸显,且主要促进老一代农户群体的共同富裕水平。基于上述研究结论,为提升生态补偿的富民效应,当地政府应致力于实现生态补偿全覆盖,制定差异化补偿标准;拓展生态补偿方式种类,增加造血型补偿供给水平;关注农户和地区异质性特征,适度提高生态补偿瞄准性。 There is a high overlap between China's ecological protection red line areas and economically underdeveloped areas.In this context,how to better play the positive role of ecological compensation in transforming‘lucid waters and lush mountains’into‘invalu⁃able assets’is the key to promoting regional coordinated development and gradually achieving common prosperity and a practical ap⁃proach to solving the contradiction between ecological protection red line areas'protection and development.Based on 1762 field sur⁃vey data from the ecological protection red line areas in Shandong Province and starting from the triple perspective of material,spiritual,and environmental factors,this study used the ordinary least squares method and the four-stage mediation effect model to empirically ex⁃plore the promoting effect,channel of action,and heterogeneous impact of ecological compensation on the realization of the common prosperity of local farmers on the basis of a comprehensive measurement of the common prosperity level of farmers in the ecological pro⁃tection red line areas.The research results showed that:①Ecological compensation could effectively promote the common prosperity of farmers in the ecological protection red line areas.After using instrumental variables,controlling the government's execution index,da⁃ta tail reduction,and recalculating the dependent variables,the results remained robust.②From a multi-dimensional perspective,al⁃though both‘blood-transfusing’type ecological compensation and‘blood-producing’type ecological compensation could exert a multi⁃dimensional effect of enriching the people,the promoting effect of‘blood-producing’type ecological compensation was superior to that of‘blood-transfusing’one in terms of enriching the people materially,morally,and environmentally.③The analysis of the channels of action showed that ecological compensation mainly promoted common prosperity among farmers in the ecological protection red line ar⁃eas by increasing the non-agricultural employment rate of farmers,enhancing their endogenous motivation,and increasing their govern⁃ment trust.④Heterogeneity testing found that the promoting effect of ecological compensation on the common prosperity of farmers in the ecological protection red line areas was more prominent in areas with lower levels of economic development,and mainly promoted the common prosperity level of the older generation of farmers.Based on the above research conclusions,in order to enhance the enrich⁃ing the people effect through ecological compensation,local governments should strive to achieve full coverage of ecological compensa⁃tion,formulate differentiated compensation standards,expand the types of ecological compensation methods,increase the supply level of‘blood-producing’type compensation,pay attention to the heterogeneity characteristics of farmers and regions,and moderately im⁃prove the targeting of ecological compensation.
作者 刘格格 周玉玺 葛颜祥 LIU Gege;ZHOU Yuxi;GE Yanxiang(College of Economics and Management,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai'an Shandong 271018,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期197-209,共13页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“水资源非农化对粮食生产脆弱性的影响及调控政策研究”(批准号:21BJY130),“流域生态补偿多元主体协同机制研究”(批准号:20BGL198) 山东省高等学校青年创新团队发展计划“农村环境治理与政策创新团队”。
关键词 生态补偿 生态保护红线区 富民效应 共同富裕 ecological protection compensation ecological protection red line area enriching the people effect common prosperity
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