

A Study on the Changes in the Chinese Mainland Status of Foreigners and Residents of Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan:A Sociological Comparative Analysis Based on National Census Data 2010—2020
摘要 2010—2020年,在中国内地(大陆)的外国人及港澳台居民在自然结构和社会结构方面呈现出以下新特征:在自然结构上,在中国内地(大陆)的外国人和港澳台居民的规模大幅增长,其中外国人、中国香港人以及中国澳门人的数量均有增长,但中国台湾人的数量有所下降;外国人是主要群体;高度年轻化;男女性别比从严重失衡趋于基本正常,但有显著内部差异。在社会结构上,在中国的外国人来源国遍布六大洲且来源国数量仍在增加,其中非洲国家数量增长最多;亚洲依然是外国人的最主要来源地;缅甸、越南超越韩国、美国,成为前两大外国人来源国;在中国内地(大陆)的外国人和港澳台居民以商务为动机的人数呈下降趋势,就业、定居的人数显著增长;整体受教育程度有所下降;西南地区的外国人数量增长迅速;居留5年及以上的外国人和港澳台居民的数量和比例均显著增长,中国内地(大陆)作为外国人和港澳居民的长期居住地的吸引力在显著增强。中国内地(大陆)的外国人和港澳台居民的持续增长以及在人口自然结构、社会结构方面出现的新变化值得高度关注。 Between 2010 and 2020,foreigners in the Chinese mainland and residents of Hong Kong China,Macao China and Taiwan China have exhibited notable shifts in both natural and social structures.In terms of natural structure,there has been a substantial increase in the overall number of foreigners and residents of Hong Kong China,Macao China and Taiwan China in the Chinese mainland.While the number of foreigners,Hong Kong and Macao residents have risen,the count of Taiwan Residents individuals has decreased.Among these groups,foreigners have become the predominant demographic,with a significant proportion being youthful,and the gender ratio has normalized from previous imbalances,although internal disparities persist.Regarding social structure,the diversity of national origins among foreigners in the Chinese mainland has expanded across all six continents,with a noteworthy rise in African representation.Asia continues to be the primary source region for foreigners in the Chinese mainland,with Myanmar and Vietnam surpassing South Korea,the US and Japan as the top two source countries.Additionally,the number of business-motivated foreigners and residents of Hong Kong China,Macao China and Taiwan China in the Chinese mainland is declining,while there is a marked increase in those seeking employment and long-term residency.Despite this,the overall educational attainment level has declined.Notably,Southwest China has experienced a rapid rise in foreign population numbers.Furthermore,there has been a significant increase in the number and proportion of foreigners and residents of Hong Kong China,Macao China and Taiwan China who have resided in the Chinese mainland for five years or more,indicating a growing attractiveness of the Chinese mainland as a long-term place of residence.The continuous growth of the foreign population in the Chinese mainland and residents of Hong Kong China,Macao China and Taiwan China,coupled with the evolving natural and social structures,underscores the need for careful consideration and attention.
作者 宋全成 熊方洲 SONG Quancheng;XIONG Fangzhou(School of Philosophy and Social Development,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,Shandong;Institute of Migration Studies,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,Shandong)
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期31-44,共14页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“欧盟的难民危机、移民融入问题及其治理研究”(17BMZ091) 国家民族事务委员会民族研究项目“当今欧洲穆斯林移民问题研究”(2018-GMB-064)。
关键词 外国人 中国港澳台居民 自然结构 社会结构 foreigners residents of Hong Kong Macao and Taiwan natural structure social structure
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