

Strengthening the Construction of National Science Popularization Capacity:Mission of the Era,Basic Connotation and Practical Path
摘要 国家科普能力是国家为提升公民科学素质和促进科技创新,面向全社会提供科普产品和服务的能力。随着新一轮科技革命和产业变革的深入发展,国家科普能力成为衡量一个国家综合实力不可忽视的指标。本文从当前科普事业发展面临的复杂国内外形势和科普赋能中国式现代化的目标导向和问题导向出发,分析新时代语境下国家科普能力建设的使命任务与发展要求,基于国家创新系统等理论和我国科普能力建设的长期实践阐释新时代国家科普能力的内涵,基于科普资源、科普平台和科普人才三大核心要素探讨新时代国家科普能力体系的构建,进而从强化支撑保障、增强核心要素供给和推动实践创新三个层面提出提升国家科普能力的有效路径。 The national capacity for science popularization refers to the ability of a state to provide popular science products and services to the entire society with the aim of improving citizens' scientific literacy and promote scientific and technological innovation. As the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation progresses,national science popularization capacity has emerged as a critical index that can not be overlooked for accessing a country's comprehensive strength. This paper examines the complex domestic and international landscape of science popularization and its role in enabling Chinese-style modernization through a goal-oriented and problem-solving approach. It analyzes the mission and requirements for constructing national science popularization capacity in the new era. It analyzes the mission and requirements for constructing of national science popularization capacity in the new era. Drawing on theoretical frameworks such as the national innovation system and the long-standing practice of China's science popularization capacity building,it elucidates the contemporary significance of this concept. The discussion extends to the construction of a national science popularization capacity system in the new era,focusing on three core elements:science popularization resources,platforms,and talents. Subsequently,it proposes an effective strategy for enhancing national science popularization capacity that includes:strengthening supporting mechanism,enhancing core elements supply and promoting practical innovation.
作者 王唯滢 王丽慧 王挺 Wang Weiying;Wang Lihui;Wang Ting(China Research Institute of Science Popularization,Beijing 100081)
机构地区 中国科普研究所
出处 《科普研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期5-16,103,共13页 Studies on Science Popularization
关键词 国家科普能力 时代使命 基本内涵 核心要素 实践路径 national science popularization capacity mission in the new era basic connotation core elements practical path
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