Mao Shi Pu(《毛诗谱》),a research work on the Book of Songs written by Zheng Xuan in his later years,was constructed as a two-tiered form which tied to politics and religion,namely,an explicit tier of feng,ya,song(风、雅、颂)and an implicit tier of space.The tier of feng,ya,song takes politics and religion as its core and forms a reversible system.The tier of space consists of the space of feng mu(风目)and the space of song mu(颂目),both of them shows a three-layered structure,the former takes politics and religion as its scale and presents a spacious(guang wan li;"广万里")space that takes Zhou and Shao(周,召)as its central point;while the latter takes the blood relationship with the Zhou royal family as the scale and corresponds the three layers with the territorial scope of Zhou,Lu and Song respectively.Besides the limitations of the original classification and catalogue of the the Book of Songs,the causes of this structural form is also related to Zheng Xuan's thought of Confucian divination(chen wei;纬)such as"the way of heaven is completed in three(tian dao cheng yu san;天道成于三)",the concept of the Three Dynasties(san tong;三统)such as"keeping the lineage of the Two Families(cun er wang zhi hou;存二王之后)",as well as the three-tiered cosmology and the reality of the three-tiered social system.Zheng Xuan's political philosophy,which was based on the idea of political indoctrination and the idea of worshiping the emperor(zun jun;尊君),determined the standard of divisionof MaoShiPu.
Journal of Chinese Culture
Mao Shi Pu
Zheng Xuan
Political Indoctrination
Worshiping the Emperor