

Heterogeneous business system interoperability practice of Chengdu-Chongqing public libraries in the context of national city cluster development strategy
摘要 以成渝城市群公共图书馆业务系统互通实践为例,探索在我国现行的“一级政府建设并管理一个图书馆”的基本格局下,面对“行政分管、系统异构、规则不通”的现实难题,打通跨省域城市群公共图书馆系统、文献通借通还的系统框架设计及技术实现的路径。通过创新应用社保卡(电子社保卡)、RFID终端识别技术,结合中台思想,搭建“社保卡信息中转平台”“图书通借通还RFID中转平台”,跨省域实现城市群公共图书馆异构业务系统“读者互认”“图书互借”功能,避免了异地、异构业务系统“硬对接”带来的复杂性、高投入风险,可降低技术实施门槛、缩短应用开发周期、节约财政经费投入,是西部地区首创以社保卡(电子社保卡)为主要服务载体,跨省域实现多源异构业务系统互联的实例。相关的软件平台、技术解决方案能够为国内城市群公共图书馆系统互通提供借鉴,将有助于加快推动跨省域城市群公共图书馆一体化建设的进程。 Taking the practice of interoperability of public library business systems in the Chengdu-Chongqing city cluster as an example,it explores the design of system framework and technical realization path for interoperability of public library systems across provinces and regions in the face of the reality of "administrative division of administration,heterogeneous systems,and incomprehensible rules" under the basic pattern of "one level of government builds and manages one library" in our country.The design of the system framework and technical realization path for the public library system of urban agglomerations to be connected and the literature to be borrowed and returned.Innovative application of social security card(e-social security card),RFID terminal identification technology,combined with the idea of the middle stage,to build a "social security card information transit platform" and "book borrowing and returning RFID transit platform" to realize the heterogeneous business systems of public libraries in urban agglomerations across the provinces and regions.The function of "mutual recognition of readers" and "mutual borrowing of books" is to avoid the complexity and high investment risk brought by "hard docking" of heterogeneous business systems in different places and structures,reduce the threshold of technical implementation,shorten the application and development cycle,and saves financial investment.It reduces the threshold of technical implementation,shortens the application development cycle,and saves financial investment.It is the first example in the western region to realize the interconnection of heterogeneous business systems from multiple sources across provinces and regions with the social security card(e-social security card) as the main service carrier.The related software platform and technical solutions can provide a reference for the interoperability of public library systems in domestic urban agglomerations,which will help speed up the process of promoting the integrated construction of public libraries in urban agglomerations across provinces and regions.
作者 严轩 王雪梅 YAN Xuan;WANG Xuemei(Chongqing Library,Chongqing 400037,China)
机构地区 重庆图书馆
出处 《技术与市场》 2024年第5期171-176,共6页 Technology and Market
关键词 城市群公共图书馆 异构业务系统 读者统一认证 文献通借通还 public libraries in urban cluster social security card for resident heterogeneous business system literature resource integration service
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