

Poems of landscape tinged with Zen and Chinese paintings:On the aesthetic appeal of Gary Snyder's Meta-Picto-poetry
摘要 当代美国诗人加里·斯奈德创作的一系列具有东方画韵的诗作以中国山水画为题材,并吸收中国古典诗歌的特征,是一种与中国山水画形神相似的“图像山水诗”。本文试图以中西结合、古今并用的理论体系探讨斯奈德诗歌作品艺术形态的审美意义。首先借助西方文艺理论知觉现象学和后现代阅读理论来解释“图像”与“文本”如何在图像山水诗中有机和谐地并置;随后用中国哲学和古典山水美学理论来挖掘诗歌的思想内涵和品鉴艺术风格;最后通过画中、画上和画外三种艺术视角分析图像山水诗的欣赏层次。以此证明加里·斯奈德的诗歌作品是东西方思想和艺术融合的典范,体现出人类思想、文化、艺术等方面极大的兼容性。 A series of poems tinged with oriental paintings created by contemporary American poet Gary Snyder,which can be classified as“Picto-poetry of landscape”and a vivid copy of Chinese landscape paintings,take their subject matters from Chinese landscape paintings,absorbing the characteristics of ancient Chinese poetry.Perceiving from both ancient and modern artistic principles,this paper intends to make a transdisciplinary study with the aid of the oriental and occidental theories of literature and art,trying to demonstrate the unique aesthetic value and cultural feeling of Snyder's poetry.Firstly,it interprets how“texts”and“pictures”are placed harmoniously in Picto-poetry by means of phenomenology of perception and post-modern theories of reading;secondly,it explores the connotations of thoughts in those poems and appraises their artistic taste in light of Chinese philosophy and classic aesthetics of landscape;thirdly,it anatomizes the appreciative hierarchy of those poems from three artistic perspectives.The study aims to exemplify Snyder's poetry for integrating eastern and western thoughts and arts,thus showcasing the compatibility of thoughts,arts and cultures of humanity.
作者 毕建程 BI Jiancheng(School of English Studies,Sichuan International Studies University,Chongqing 400031,P.R.China)
机构地区 四川外国语大学
出处 《外国语言文学》 2024年第1期62-72,112,135,共13页 Foreign Language and Literature Studies
基金 重庆市教委2021年人文社科规划项目“当代美国作家加里·斯奈德作品中的禅宗思想及其元图像山水诗的美学意涵研究”(21SKGH140)。
关键词 加里·斯奈德 图像山水诗:《山河无尽》 美学意涵 Gary Snyder Picto-poetry of landscape Mountains and Rivers without End aesthetic appeal
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