

Eye-tracking study on the impact of background music on the attention to healthy food among college students
摘要 目的:探讨背景音乐对大学生健康和不健康食物注意的影响。方法:2022年11月至2023年2月,对35名大学生进行眼动试验,通过眼动仪Eye Link 1000 Desktop收集和分析眼动数据,使用SPSS 26.0对结果进行分析,采用重复测量方差分析、广义线性模型考察不同节奏(快节奏和慢节奏)和不同类型音乐(古典音乐和流行音乐)对健康食物和不健康食物信息(图片、名称和卡路里信息)注视时间和注视次数的影响。结果:(1)背景音乐类型与节奏对健康食物信息总注视时间的交互作用显著[F(1,34)=4.999,P=0.032]。事后检验发现,快节奏音乐情境下,与古典音乐相比,流行音乐条件下个体对健康食物信息的注视时间更长(P=0.049)。在慢节奏音乐情境下,与流行音乐相比,古典音乐条件下个体对健康食物信息的注视时间更长(P=0.035)。背景音乐类型与节奏对健康食物图片注视时间的交互作用显著[F(1,34)=5.647,P=0.023]。事后检验发现,快节奏音乐情境下,流行音乐条件下个体对健康食物图片的注视时间更长(P<0.05)。在慢节奏音乐情境下,古典音乐条件下个体对健康食物图片的注视时间更长(P<0.05)。(2)背景音乐类型与节奏对不健康食物信息注视时间的交互作用不显著[F(1,34)=2.379,P=0.132],背景音乐类型主效应不显著[F(1,34)=0.144,P=0.706],背景音乐节奏主效应不显著[F(1,34)=0.042,P=0.838]。(3)背景音乐类型与节奏对健康食物信息注视次数的交互作用显著[F(1,34)=4.419,P=0.043]。事后检验发现,快节奏音乐情境下,流行音乐条件下个体对健康食物信息的注视次数更多(P<0.05)。在慢节奏音乐情境下,古典音乐条件下个体对健康食物信息的注视次数更多(P<0.05)。背景音乐类型与节奏对健康食物图片注视次数的交互作用显著[F(1,34)=6.509,P=0.015],事后检验发现,快节奏音乐情境下,流行音乐条件下个体对健康食物信息的注视次数更多(P<0.05)。在慢节奏音乐情境下,古典音乐条件下个体对健康食物信息的注视次数更多(P<0.05)。(4)背景音乐类型与节奏对不健康食物信息注视次数的交互作用不显著[F(1,34)=2.720,P=0.108],背景音乐类型主效应不显著[F(1,34)=0.255,P=0.617],背景音乐节奏主效应不显著[F(1,34)=0.060,P=0.808]。结论:背景音乐的类型和节奏影响大学生对健康食物图片的注视时间,而不影响对不健康食物图片的注视时间,并且快节奏的流行音乐和慢节奏的古典音乐能促进大学生更好地注意健康食物图片。在饮食情境下,可以通过选择快节奏的流行音乐或慢节奏的古典音乐来促进健康饮食。 Objective To explore the effect of background music on healthy and unhealthy food attention of college students.Methods From November 2022 to February 2023,eye-tracking test was conducted on 35 college students.Eye-tracking data were recorded and analyzed with EyeLink 1000 Desktop.SPSS 26.0 software was used for data analyses.Repeated measurement analysis of variance and generalized linear models were used to investigate the effects of background music tempo(fast and slow)and genre(classic and popular)on the dwell time and fixation count of healthy and unhealthy food information(pictures,titles and calorie information).Results(1)The interaction effect between background music genre and tempo on the dwell time of healthy food information were significant(F(1,34)=4.999,P=0.032).Post hoc analyses showed that under the condition of fast background music,when presented with popular music compared with classical music,healthy food information attracted longer dwell time(P=0.049).Under the condition of slow background music,when presented with classical music compared with popular music,healthy food information attracted longer dwell time(P=0.035).The interaction effect between background music genre and tempo on the dwell time of healthy food pictures were significant(F(1,34)=5.647,P=0.023).Post hoc analyses showed that under the condition of fast background music,when presented with popular music popular music,healthy food pictures attracted longer dwell time(P<0.05).Under the condition of slow background music,when presented with classical music,healthy food pictures would attract longer dwell time(P<0.05).(2)The interaction effect between background music genre and tempo on the dwell time of unhealthy food information were not significant(F(1,34)=2.379,P=0.132),the main effect of music genre was not significant(F(1,34)=0.144,P=0.706),and the main effect of music tempo was not significant(F(1,34)=0.042,P=0.838).(3)The interaction effect between background music genre and tempo on the fixation count of healthy food information were significant(F(1,34)=4.419,P=0.043).Post hoc analyses showed that under the condition of fast background music,when presented with popular music,healthy food information attracted more fixation counts(P<0.05).Under the condition of slow background music,when presented with classical music,healthy food information attracted more fixation counts(P<0.05).The interaction effect between background music genre and tempo on the fixation count of healthy food pictures were significant(F(1,34)=6.509,P=0.015).Post hoc analyses showed that under the condition of fast background music,when presented with popular music,healthy food pictures attracted more fixation counts(P<0.05).Under the condition of slow background music,when presented with classical music,healthy food pictures attracted more fixation counts(P<0.05).(4)The interaction effect between background music genre and tempo on the fixation count of unhealthy food information were not significant(F(1,34)=2.720,P=0.108),the main effect of music genre was not significant(F(1,34)=0.255,P=0.617),and the main effect of music tempo was not significant(F(1,34)=0.060,P=0.808).Conclusion Genre and tempo of background music can affect the dwell time to healthy food,whereas can not affect the dwell time to unhealthy food.Popular music with fast tempo and classical music with slow tempo can enhance individual's attention to healthy food pictures.In the context of food and beverage,popular music with fast tempo and classical music with slow tempo may be selected to promote healthy diet.
作者 雷铭 张莹莹 费晓洁 Lei Ming;Zhang Yingying;Fei Xiaojie(Artificial Intelligence and Cognition Laboratory,School of Tourism Sciences,Beijing International Studies University,Beijing 100024,China)
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期335-341,共7页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
基金 国家社会科学基金(22BGL161)。
关键词 背景音乐 注意 健康食物 眼动追踪技术 大学生 Background music Attention Healthy food Eye-tracking techniques College students
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