Basedon thereflection on women'smovement and existing gender knowledge,this article suggests that what feminists want is to abandon all the mechanisms and cultures that harm women,to improve women's personality,and to move towards women's health.What they want is to leave behind the tensions,hostility and alienation between the sexes,which are based on violence and threats,and move towards a gender partnership of coexistence and co-prosperity.What they want is a rejection of social norms that are too restrictive for women,and the promotion of a societal shift from a power-structured model to a loving model,and move towards a more resilient and inclusive relationship between the individual and society.These feminist goals for women,for gender relations,and for the goal of social transformation are embedded in the women's movement,and the rearticulation and reemphasis will help the women's movement to clarify its direction and to help people to live their lives more positively.
International Social Science Journal(Chinese Edition)