问题的提出面对低生育率,许多政府的主导思想是努力提高至适当水平,而非“生生不息”。因此,在已生育理想子女数量后采用安全有效的长期避孕方式,是民众和政府的共同需求。自20世纪70年代起,就技术而言,男性结扎已发展成为最可靠的永久避孕方式,意外怀孕率只有1.5%o(World Health Organization 2011)。与女性结扎相比,男性结扎在实施难易度、避孕效果、术后并发症、避孕失败率等方面也明显占优势。然而,在目前全世界已婚或同居伴侣所用的全部现代避孕方式中,男性结扎只占5%(United Nations2012)。
The use of safe and effective long-term contraception after the ideal number of children has been born is a common need of the people and the government.Vasectomy,as the most reliable form of permanent contraception,is heavily influenced by masculinity and family planning.In Canada,New Zealand,Britain,Australia and the US,male sterilization has become a new element of masculinity based on the development of male contraception since the end of the 18th century.The development of male sterilization and masculinity has promoted gender equality and strengthened male power.The Indian government's compulsory family planning in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century strengthened the mutual resistance between patriarchal masculinity and male sterilization,resulting in the ups and downs of male sterilization in India.In South Korea,a combination of a relatively modest family planning campaign and other factors that have contributed to the integration of male sterilization into masculinity,could both promote gender equality and enhance male empowerment.
International Social Science Journal(Chinese Edition)