

An Empirical Analysis of the Employment Flow Characteristics of Graduates from Poor Families in the New Period——A Case Study of a Certain University in Guangdong Province
摘要 基于广东某高校2019—2020年本科家庭经济困难毕业生的就业流向数据,采用二分类logit模型分析该校家庭经济困难毕业生就业单位流向、行业流向以及地域流向特征。结果显示:高校办学定位、行业特色、性别、专业、地区经济发展水平等对家庭经济困难毕业生的就业单位流向、行业流向、地域流向有不同程度的影响;尽管经济发达地区对家庭经济困难毕业生具有较强的“虹吸”作用,但家庭经济困难毕业生生源回流的特征仍较为明显;家庭经济困难毕业生中,党员毕业生具有一定就业偏好,更倾向于流向传统“优质就业”领域。结合分析有如下启示:对于地方行业特色型高校,发掘行业优势有助于促进高校家庭经济困难毕业生就业;掌握高校家庭经济困难毕业生就业流向特征有利于帮助高校构建“精准化”“全程化”“信息化”等五化协同的就业帮扶长效机制;对于家庭经济困难毕业生帮扶,既要强化就业指导,消除信息不对称所导致的竞争劣势,又要帮助其提早开展生涯规划,激发学习动力,提升综合竞争力。 This study analyzes the employment unit flow,industry flow and geographical flow characteristics of graduates with family difficulties in a university in Guangdong based on the graduation destination data of undergraduate graduates with family difficulties in 2019-2020 by using a binary logit model.The results show that the orientation of colleges and universities,industry characteristics,gender,major of study,regional economic development level,etc.,have different degrees of influence on the flow direction of poor students'profession,industry,and region.Economically developed regions have a strong"siphoning"effect on students with family difficulties.The characteristics of returning to hometown for students with difficulties are still more obvious.Party members with difficulties have certain employment preferences and are more inclined to flow to traditional"high-quality employment"fields.There are some enlightenments as follows:for local universities with industrial characteristics,exploring the industrial advantages can help promote the employment of students with difficulties in colleges and universities;mastering the characteristics of employment flow of students with difficulties in colleges and universities is helpful to help colleges and universities to build the five specializations such as"precision","whole process"and"informationization".To help students with difficulties,it is necessary to strengthen the employment guidance to eliminate the competitive disadvantage caused by the information mismatch,and to help them carry out career planning early to stimulate their learning motivation and improve their comprehensive competitiveness.
作者 邱一富 林泽曼 张法清 QIU Yifu;LIN Zeman;ZHANG Faqing(School of Marxism,Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Maoming 525000,China;School of Automation,Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Maoming 525000,China;Department of Students Affairs,Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Maoming 525000,China)
出处 《广东石油化工学院学报》 2024年第2期65-71,共7页 Journal of Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology
基金 广东省教育科学“十三五”规划课题(2020GXJK062) 茂名市科技计划项目(2020552) 广东石油化工学院科研基金项目(5220027,5210066)。
关键词 就业流向特征 经济困难毕业生 行业特色高校 LOGIT模型 characteristics of employment flow graduates from poor families universities with industrial characteristics binary logit model
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