

The Historical Experience and Contemporary Inspiration of Qiongya Column in Strengthening Discipline Construction
摘要 纪律是管党治党的“戒尺”,更是军队的命脉。琼崖纵队在党的绝对领导之下,从椰子寨战斗打响“全琼武装总暴动”,到潭口阻击战打响“琼崖抗击日寇第一枪”,到发起“三大军事攻势”为解放海南打下坚实基础,再到最终接应和配合解放军渡海登陆作战,在任何一个时期,都始终把严明纪律摆在突出位置。琼崖纵队依靠高度自觉的纪律,坚持用铁的纪律统一思想与行动和凝聚强大战斗力,逐渐实现从小到大、由弱到强,成为一支打不垮、压不倒的威武之师、人民之师、文明之师和胜利之师。随着中国特色自由贸易港建设迈入关键时期,汲取琼崖纵队加强纪律建设的历史经验与智慧,就是要持之以恒用铁的纪律为海南自由贸易港建设清障护航。 Discipline is the“yardstick”to govern the party and the lifeblood of the army.The Qiongya column was under the absolute leadership of the Party,from the Coconut Village battle to start the“Quanqiong armed rebellion”,to the Tankou resistance battle to start the“Qiongya first shot against the Japanese invaders”,to the launch of the“three military offensives”to lay a solid foundation for the liberation of Hainan,and finally to take over and coordinate with the People’s Liberation Army across the sea landing operations,in any period of time,the Qiongya column have always placed strict discipline in a prominent position in the work,relied on highly conscious discipline,insisted on using iron discipline to unify thought and action,and gather strong combat effectiveness,and gradually developed the force from small to large,from weak to strong,and become a mighty force,the Chinese people’s force,the civilization’s force and the victory’s force that cannot be defeated and overwhelmed.As the construction of the socialist free trade port with Chinese characteristics enters a critical period,learning from the historical experience and wisdom of the Qiongya column in strengthening discipline construction is to persevere in using iron discipline to escort the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.
作者 梁楚晨 温小平 LIANG Chuchen;WEN Xiaoping(School of Marxism,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China)
出处 《南海学刊》 2024年第3期96-104,共9页 The Journal of South China Sea Studies
基金 海南省哲学社会科学规划基地课题〔HNSK(JD)22-30〕 海南省高等学校教育教学改革研究项目(Hnjg2020-153)。
关键词 琼崖纵队 纪律建设 历史经验 当代价值 Qiongya column discipline construction historical experience contemporary value








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