

Improving Service Capabilities and Cultivating Craftsmen Talents Make New Contributions to the Construction of Vocational Education Power--Work Report of the Fifth Council of the Chinese Society for Technical and Vocational Education
摘要 中国职业技术教育学会第五届理事会在五年的工作中,坚持并认真践行“政治强会、学术立会、服务兴会、依法治会”的工作方针,在强化理论武装,提高政治站位;建设智库学会,提高服务能力;推动产教融合,服务产业创新;坚持科教融汇,助力成果转化;助力质量引领,补齐专业短板;开展说课交流,抓好专业建设;组织教师培训,实现共同进步;努力凝聚各界,构建合作机制;开展国际交流,助力“职教出海”;坚持依法治会,提高治理能力等十个方面开展了卓有成效的工作,全方面全领域参与现代职业教育体系建设改革,不断提升服务力、支撑力、贡献力,已经成为推动现代职业教育高质量发展的一支重要社会力量。在未来工作中,学会将进一步提高政治站位、发挥智库作用、助力产业创新、做好“新基建”、培养工匠人才,为以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业贡献职教学会力量。 In the five years of work,the fifth council of The Chinese Society for Technical and Voca-tional Education has adhered to and earnestly practiced the working principle of“strengthening the society through politics,establishing the society through academy,developing the society through serving,govern-ing the society according to law”.we have carried out fruitful work in ten aspects,such as strength the theo-retical armed forces and improve the political position;build a think tank society to improve service capabil-ities;promote the integration between industry and education and serve industrial innovation;adhere to the integration between science and education,help the transformation of achievements;help quality guidance and make up for professional shortcomings;carry out the exchange of lesson presentation and focus on pro-fessional construction;organize teacher training to achieve common progress;consolidate various sectors to build a cooperation mechanism;carry out international exchanges to help“going to overseas of vocational education”;adhere to govern the society according to law,improve governance ability.We participate in the construction and reform of the modern vocational education system in all aspects and fields,continuously improving service,support,and contribution,has become an important social force in promoting the high-quality development of modern vocational education.In the future work,the society will further improve its political position,play the role of a think tank,help industrial innovation,do a good job in'new infrastruc-ture',cultivate craftsman,and contribute to the construction of an education power and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese path to modernization.
作者 鲁昕 Lu Xin
出处 《中国职业技术教育》 北大核心 2024年第13期3-10,共8页 Chinese Vocational and Technical Education
关键词 职业教育强国 服务能力 工匠人才 职教学会 vocational education power service capability craftsman talents The Chinese Society for Technical and Vocational Education








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