

Attributes,Trend Hazards,and Proposed Countermeasures for Public Opinion Incidents Regarding Ethical Issues among College and University Teachers
摘要 近年来,高等教育领域零星出现一些师德师风失范行为的网络舆情,不仅为高校管理带来了巨大压力,也对高校的稳定发展和高校形象带来负面影响。本文首先对近年来高校师德师风舆情事件进行系统、客观的梳理分析,明确当前高校师德师风舆情事件的类型、传播及群体特征。进而结合媒介传播尤其是新媒体传播特点,从失范行为、涉事主体、高校应对诸方面归纳高校师德师风舆情事件的趋势与风险。在此基础上,提出针对性的解决对策与建议,以期对高校相关部门客观认识、理性应对和科学防范师德师风舆情事件有所助益。研究发现,近年来师德师风舆情事件主要涉及高校教师言行不当、学术不端、违反工作纪律等方面。此类舆情事件往往借助自媒体传播,呈现出突发性强、传播速度快、传播面广、难以控制的特点,处置难度较大,容易成为舆情爆点,并引发民众对教师的信任危机。部分高校舆情风险意识不强,舆情应对能力欠佳,沟通机制缺乏。基于此,高校应高度重视涉教师师德师风舆情工作,提升舆情风险意识;完善师德师风建设机制,拓宽师生表达空间;强化师德师风教育,做好正面宣传工作;及时回应公众诉求,维护网络空间秩序。 In recent years,instances of online public opinions concerning the ethical issues of teachers in higher education have sporadically emerged,exerting significant pressure on university management and adversely affecting institutional stability and image.It systematically and objectively examines recent public opinion events related to the moral and ethical conduct of teachers in higher education,elucidating the types,characteristics,and groups involved in these incidents.The analysis considers media communication,particularly new media,and highlights trends and risks in teacher ethics public opinion incidents,encompassing misconduct,involved parties,and university responses.The study identifies issues such as improper speech,academic misconduct,and violation of work discipline as prevalent in recent public opinion events,often disseminated by self-media.These incidents exhibit suddenness,rapid spread,wide dissemination,and difficulty in control,posing challenges and becoming potential breaking points triggering crises of public trust in teachers.Some institutions lack awareness of public opinion risks,struggle to respond effectively,and lack communication mechanisms.Consequently,the study recommends that colleges and universities prioritize addressing public opinion related to teacher morality and morale.Strategies include enhancing awareness of public opinion risks,refining mechanisms for ethical conduct,providing plaforms for expression,reinforcing moral education,conducting positive publicity,and timely response to public demands to maintain order in cyberspace.
作者 倪建 NI Jian(Personnel Department,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu Anhui 241000,China)
出处 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第9期47-49,52,共4页 Journal of Hubei Open Vocational College
基金 安徽省高等学校省级教学研究重大项目“安徽师范大学师德考核评价体系研究”的阶段性成果(项目编号:2020jyxm0672)。
关键词 高校 师德师风 舆情事件 特征 风险 对策 colleges and universities teachers'morality and ethics public opinion events attribute hazard countermeasures
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