

Urban and Rural Amphibious: The Production and Life Practice of Returning Youth——Based on the Survey of B Town in the Central Region
摘要 以县域为基本单元推进城乡融合发展,需要协同推进新型城镇化和乡村振兴战略,兼具城乡特质的“城乡两栖者”无疑成为新型城镇化和乡村振兴的重要人力资源。对中部地区B镇返乡青年的调研发现,他们以城乡两栖的方式展开生产生活实践。在外经商者、毕业学生和宝妈群体都属于农村青年精英,他们的流动轨迹呈现出节点性返乡、发展性返乡特征。既存的城乡结构塑造了他们的流动发生,一方面是乡村内部的土地规模化发展、治理行政化导向和产业链向下延伸吸引他们回嵌乡土,另一方面是县城作为教育资源集中地、婚备竞赛目标地和价值体验获取地吸引他们进城定居。这种城乡两栖的实践是他们在乡村振兴战略下自发的行动,有一家多制的家庭生计模式和城乡一体的社会认同基础。从实践来看,返乡青年推动了城乡之间流动的个体与家庭的产生,有利于解决乡村振兴中村落终结的问题,也是城乡融合总体背景下人的城镇化战略的推进。 To promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas with the county as the basic unit,it is necessary to jointly promote the strategy of new urbanization and rural revitalization.The“urban and rural amphibians”with both urban and rural characteristics will undoubtedly become an important human resource for new urbanization and rural revitalization.The survey of the returning youth in B town in central China found that they carried out their production and life practice in an amphibious way in urban and rural areas.Foreign businessmen,graduate students and Baoma groups belong to the rural young elite,and their flow track shows the characteristics of nodal return and development return to home.The existing urban and rural structure has shaped their mobility.On the one hand,the large-scale land development,governance and administrative orientation and the downward extension of the industrial chain in the countryside attract them back to the countryside;on the other hand,the county seat as the concentration of educational resources,the target of marriage preparation competition and the acquisition of value experience attract them to settle in the city.This amphibious practice is their spontaneous action under the rural revitalization strategy,with a multi-system family livelihood model and the basis of urban and rural integration of social identity.From a practical point of view,returning young people promote the generation of individuals and families flowing between urban and rural areas,which is conducive to solving the problem of the end of villages in rural revitalization,and is also the promotion of the urbanization strategy of people under the overall background of urban-rural integration.
作者 任亮亮 Ren Liangliang
出处 《兰州学刊》 2024年第5期147-160,共14页
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“农村社区治理创新问题研究”(项目编号:22&ZD173)。
关键词 返乡青年 乡村振兴 城乡融合 城乡两栖 returning youth rural revitalization urban and rural integration urban and rural amphibious
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