

Research on the Centering Algorithm of Dwarf Planet Haumea System
摘要 受地球大气影响,使用地基光学望远镜观测角距离较小的双星系统或主卫星系统时往往会出现星象不可分辨的情况.因此,系统光心位置与系统质心位置可能存在一定的偏差.准确地测量太阳系天体系统质心位置可以改进其轨道参数,有助于揭示太阳系的形成与演化.以矮行星Haumea及其亮卫星Hi’iaka的运动为例,仿真系统光心围绕质心扰动的过程,探究视宁度(用星象的半高全宽表示)变化对准确测量光心位置的影响.仿真结果表明,使用二维高斯定心算法测定的系统光心位置随视宁度变化,而修正矩定心算法的定心结果不受视宁度的影响.根据仿真结果,研究能够有效减少视宁度变化对光心位置准确测量影响的定心算法十分必要;同时,新的定心算法还需考虑主星光度变化的影响.使用云南天文台2.4 m望远镜, 1 m望远镜以及紫金山天文台姚安观测站0.8 m望远镜从2022年2月7日至2022年5月25日观测矮行星Haumea系统,得到29晚共463幅CCD图像.新定心算法确定的光心位置与使用二维高斯定心算法的结果相比具有更好的位置拟合效果.此外,还发现亮卫星Hi’iaka在Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)历表与Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des éphémérides (IMCCE)历表中的位置存在较大偏差. Affected by the Earth’s atmosphere,the image of primary and satellite system observed by ground-based telescopes often appears unresolved.Therefore,there may be some deviation between the system photocenter and the center of mass.The accurate measurement of the center of mass is helpful to improve the orbital parameters and to reveal the formation and evolution of the solar system.Taking the dwarf planet Haumea and its brighter satellite Hi’iaka as an example,we simulate its motion of the photocenter around the center of mass and explore whether the track of photocenter is the same with different seeings.The simulation results show that when using the two-dimensional Gaussian centering algorithm,the photocenter track is changing with the change of seeing,however,this phenomenon will not occur when using the modified moment centering algorithm.Based on the simulation results and the influence of noise,a new centering algorithm is proposed in this paper,which can effectively reduce the influence of changing seeing on the accurate photocenter position measurement.In addition,we also consider the influence of primary’s changing luminosity on the photocenter position measurement.The images of dwarf planet Haumea were observed over 29 nights from February 7,2022 to May 25,2022 by three telescopes located in Yunnan Province.Our results show that thefitted error of the new centering algorithm’s results is smaller than the two-dimensional Gaussian algorithm’s results.In addition,wefind that theoretical position of the bright satellite from Jet Propulsion Laboratory(JPL)and Institut de M´ecanique C´eleste et de Calcul des´Eph´em´erides(IMCCE)ephemeris has a large deviation.
作者 郝佳男 彭青玉 郭碧峰 曹江龙 洪瑶瑶 HAO Jia-nan;PENG Qing-yu;GUO Bi-feng;CAO Jiang-long;HONG Yao-yao(Department of Computer Science,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632; Sino-French Joint Laboratory for Astrometry,Dynamics and Space Science,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632)
出处 《天文学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期132-140,共9页 Acta Astronomica Sinica
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFE0116800) 国家自然科学基金项目(11873026、11273014) 国家自然科学基金天文联合基金重点项目(U1431227) 中国载人航天工程巡天空间望远镜专项科学研究项目(CMS-CSST-2021-B08)资助。
关键词 天体测量学 技术:图像处理 方法:数据分析 柯伊伯带天体:个别:妊神星 astrometry techniques:image processing methods:data analysis Kuiper belt objects:indi-vidual:Haumea
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