通过对不同打印软件打印文字的栅格特征进行实验研究,分析栅格特征与打印软件的关联性,判断操作系统、打印驱动程序、文字处理软件等打印软件环境的相关信息,为打印文件机源种属鉴别提供新的思路。以中易宋体100个常用汉字为研究对象,使用兄弟、惠普、联想、佳能、富士施乐、京瓷、松下、光电通等常见品牌打印机,设置300、600 dpi分辨率或默认模式,打印八号、七号、六号、小五号、五号、小四号、四号、小三号、三号、小二号样本500份。将不同种类操作系统、不同类型打印驱动程序、不同种类文字处理软件、不同版本中易宋体字库环境下打印的文字,制作成栅格模拟图,进行栅格特征比对,总结栅格特征多样性产生的原因。结果表明,字符轮廓线的栅格适配与否、缺失像素的补偿规则、映射到设备空间的字符轮廓线大小、描述字体的曲线种类等因素会使栅格特征发生改变。横笔段厚度特征与字符轮廓线的栅格适配与否关系较大;竖笔段宽度特征与映射到设备空间的字符轮廓线横向大小关系较大;斜笔画阶梯特征与缺失像素的补偿方式、描述字体的曲线类型等关系较大;平行笔段间距特征(即平行笔段间的空白栅格多少)与映射到设备空间的字符轮廓线的纵向大小关系较大。通过栅格特征,可以分析打印文件的打印软件环境信息,如操作系统类型、打印驱动程序种类、栅格适配方式、文字处理软件种类等,可以为打印文件机源种属鉴别提供新的思路。
This article has analyzed the relevance between grid features and various printing software environments and assessed relevant information of operating systems,print-driver programs,and word processing software in order to explore a new idea for identification of printer models.500 samples from 100 frequently used Chinese characters were made by Lenovo LJ2200,HP M126a,Panasonic KX MB1538CN,Brother MFC-7880DN,Brother HL-5585D,Lenovo M3410,Kyocera FS-1040,Lenovo LJ6700DN,Canon ip7280,FX CM118,Canon 2520i,HP M1136,Samsung CLP680,TOEC OEP4010DN printers with different resolutions(or quality modes)in Simsun font with 5pt,5.5pt,7.5pt,9pt,10.5pt,12pt,14pt,15pt,16pt and 18pt,and their relevant GSBS(Grid Simulation Bitmap Samples)were made.Comparisons were made between GSBS from same printers,same operating system(Windows),same type of word processing software but different printdriver programs to analyze the relevance between Grid Features and various print-driver programs.Comparisons were made between GSBS from the same printer,same operating system(Windows),same type of print-driver program but different types of word processing software(Word/WPS)to analyze the relationship between Grid Features and word processing software.Comparisons were made between GSBS from the same operating system(Windows),same word processing software,same type print-driver programs(PS)but different versions to analyze the differences of Grid Features between different printer models.Comparisons were made between GSBS from the same printer(TOEC OEP4010DN),same word processing software(WPS)but different operating systems(Windows/Linux Kylin)to analyze the differences of Grid Features between different operating systems.Factors such as the uniformity between the character outlines and the grid fit,hinting rules for pixel dropout,the size of character outlines mapped to device space and the type of curve describing the font can change the Grid Features.TFHS(Thickness Feature of Horizontal Strokes)has a significant relationship with the gridfi tting of character outlines;WFVS(Width Feature of the Vertical Strokes)has a significant relationship with the lateral size of the outlines mapped to the device space;LFOS(Ladder Feature of Oblique Strokes)is strongly related to the hinting rules for pixels dropout and the type of curve describing the font;DFPS(Distance Feature between Parallel Strokes)has a significant relationship with the vertical size of the character outlines mapped to the device space.Information of printing software environments(such as the type of operating system,type of print-driver program,hinting rule,and type of word processing software)can be analyzed by the Grid Features.This research has provided a new idea for the identification of some specific printer models by printed documents.
XU Shiguo;LIU Weiyong;WANG Wei(Key Laboratory for Document Inspection and Identifi cation by the Ministry of Public Security,Criminal Investigation Police University of China,Shenyang 110035,China;Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department,Shenyang 110032,China)
Forensic Science and Technology