This paper delves into how crucial agricultural science and technology innovation is for China's journey towards agricultural modernization and establishing a strong agricultural sector By looking at successful examples both from within the country and abroad,it suggests ways to boost financial backing for agricultural science and tech innovations,with the goal of improving the quality and global competitiveness of China's agriculture.Innovations in agricultural science and technology are essential for creating a modern agricultural system,which can drastically increase productivity and support sustainable farming practices.Lessons from around the world highlight that a combination of government leadership,collaboration between industries,universities,and research institutions,robust legal frameworks,and solid financial support are essential for successful science and technology innovation.Drawing from the achievements of countries like the United States,Germany,the Netherlands,and Japan in agricultural science and technology innovation and financial backing,the article highlights that the leadership of the government,a tight collaboration between industry,academia,and research institutions,a robust legal framework,and solid financial support stand as the pillars for the triumph of agricultural science and technology innovation.These nations have successfully driven forward the advancement of agricultural science and technology and the broad growth of the agricultural sector by setting up strong research and development systems,fostering policy support,and adopting cooperative models and specialization strategies.The push for scientific and technological innovation and financial backing is crucial for the evolution of China's agricultural sector and the achievement of nationwide modernization.It calls for a united effort from the government,businesses,and financial bodies to forge an environment and framework that nurtures agricultural science and technology innovation.China must find its unique position and draw lessons from global practices to advance its vision of becoming an agricultural powerhouse.Enhancing financial support for agricultural science and tech innovations and speeding up the development of the rural financial system are critical steps.Recommendations include refining policies,introducing innovative insurance products,enhancing financial services,and pushing forward with capital market reforms to support agricultural innovation.By improving a financial system that favors innovation,We will improve the innovation-friendly financial system and strive to build China into a powerful agricultural country.
CHEN Jin;PAN Xin-ran
Rural Finance Research
Science and Technology Innovation
Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation
Financial Support
Build up China's Strength in Agriculture