
大变局时代背景下优质均衡教育的再定义——以PISA 2022东亚教育系统韧性表现数据分析为例

Redefining High-quality and Balanced Education in the Context of Great Changes——An Analysis of the Resilience Performance of East Asian Education Systems in PISA 2022
摘要 全球环境的日益复杂多变,对教育的抗干扰能力以及应对未来挑战的实力和准备提出了更高的要求。最新一轮的PISA发现,当许多参与国家和经济体的学生整体表现出现明显减退的大趋势时,来自东亚的日本、韩国和中国台北在学生数学素养测评表现、与学生社会经济条件有关的教育公平性和学生学校归属感等三个方面都表现出强有力的韧性。通过分析PISA 2022中相关教育系统的韧性数据,本研究聚焦东亚六地,尤其是日本、韩国和中国台北,在相关政策和实践上的表现,探索符合东亚特点的优质教育系统的韧性特征,以期为我国教育系统韧性的建设和强化以及教育优质均衡目标的实现提供有益的启示和借鉴。 With the increasingly complex and ever-changing global environment,higher requirements have been placed on the resilience of education systems and their ability to withstand interference,as well as on their strength and readiness to cope with future challenges.The latest round of PISA findings revealed a significant decline in various aspects of student performance in many participating counties and economies.However,counties and economies in East Asia,including Japan,South Korea,and Chinese Taipei,have showed strong resilience in three aspects:student mathematical literacy assessment,educational equity related to students'socioeconomic status,and students'sense of belonging in school.By analyzing data related to the resilience of educational systems from PISA 2022,this study focuses on the performance in relevant policies and practices in six East Asian regions,especially Japan,South Korea,and Chinese Taipei.It aims to explore the resilience characteristics of high-quality systems in line with the context of East Asian education,in hopes of providing useful insights and references for enhancing the resilience of China's education system,so as to achieve the goal of high-quality and balanced education as soon as possible.
作者 朱雁 ZHU Yan(Institute of International and Comparative Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai,200062,China)
出处 《全球教育展望》 北大核心 2024年第4期6-17,共12页 Global Education
基金 2022年度“上海市浦江人才计划”资助项目“全球人才竞争背景下国际大规模教育测评的生产、传播机制及中国方案研究”(项目编号:22PJC092)的阶段性成果。
关键词 PISA 2022 东亚 教育系统韧性 素养测评表现 教育公平性 在校归属感 PISA 2022 East Asia resilience of education systems performance in literacy assessments educational equity sense of school belonging
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