

Monyul Tawang Monastery and Its Regulations
摘要 门隅达旺寺是1680年由五世达赖喇嘛高徒梅热•喇嘛洛追嘉措创建于中印不三国交界处门隅的一座格鲁派寺院,在三百四十余年间,有关该寺历史很少引起学界的关注,而记述应用更是寥寥可数。依据《君民世系起源明灯门隅教史》《达旺甘丹朗杰拉孜寺寺规》(1694年)《颇罗鼐于1731年关于门隅、珞隅的文书》等相关历史文献记载考究,该寺自创建至1698年期间由甘丹颇章首次任命的喇嘛洛追嘉措及其第四任主持琼杰堪布阿旺朗杰等四位主持依次治理,并按仪轨制定了治寺治学定制。第五任主持通连•罗藏朗杰至塔布•格桑林智扎巴为止,共经历了十四位主持治寺。后延续了数届主持但历史记载不详。到1950年为止,由哲蚌寺选派格西到任历届主持,该寺三事安立仪轨与哲蚌寺完全一致,尤其在寺规中明文规定“别隅吉穆炯”(寓意为“隐秘乐土”),其下辖俗有拉俄三域、勒邦、塔巴五措、绒多松、姆凯三夏、色拉三岗、东面瓦莫鲁细等地。甘丹颇章为门隅达旺地区兴盛格鲁派佛法创建达旺寺,并颁布寺规等,充分表明甘丹颇章即西藏地方政府对门隅达旺一带拥有政教管辖权,达旺寺寺规与文书能得到充分的佐证。 Monyul Tawang monastery was founded in 1680 by the fifth Dalai Lama’s high disciple me rag bla ma blo gros rgya mtsho in Monyul,a dge lugs monastery on the border between three countries,China,India and Bhutan.In the past 340 years,the history of this monastery has rarely apears in the field of academic research and the application of the record.This article is based on relevant documents and historical materials,such as the rje vbangs rnams kyi rigs rus gsal ba’i sgron me mon chos vbyung,the regulations of Tawang monastery written by sde srid sangs rgyas in 1964.The official seal of pho lha ba bsod nams stobs rgyas in 1731.From the establishment of the temple to 1698,it was governed by bla ma blo gros rgya mtsho,who was appointed for the first time by dga’ldan pho brang,and four presiding officials,including the fourth presiding officer vphyongs rgyas mkhan po ngag dbang rnam rgyal and customized the governing temple and learning according to the rituals.After that,the fifth moderator,mthong len sku skye blo bzang rnam rgyal,went through 14 periods of presiding over the temple until dwags po skal bzang lhun grub grags pa,and continued to have many presiding experiences,but historical records are not clear.Until 1950,the temple was supervised by masters from blo gsal college of Drepung Monastery.The regulations of monastery and other measures,which fully demonstrated that the dga’ldan pho brang,that is the Tibetan local government,had absolute political and religious jurisdiction over the Tawang area of Monyul.
作者 拉毛草 Lhamo Tso(Northwest Ninzu University)
出处 《青海师范大学学报(藏文版)》 2024年第2期29-40,共12页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Tibetan language)
基金 2022年国家社会科学基金重大项目“西藏边境汉藏文史料整理、翻译及研究”(22&ZD330)。
关键词 门隅达旺寺 寺规 疆域管辖 Mon rta dbang dgon the regulation of monastery the ownership of territory
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