

Deepening of Narrative Poetics of “Staggered Time and Space” and Its Cross-Cultural Representation:On the Special Significance of the Novel Aftershock in Zhang Ling's Creative Trajectory
摘要 在张翎小说的创作轨迹中,早期的《寻》为张翎“时空交错”叙事诗学的开启,《余震》则意味着其叙事诗学的深化。这一深化具体呈示在小说人物沃尔佛的结构性存在以及王小灯与李元妮的母女共生关系的形塑之中。从《余震》开始,张翎将“时空交错”叙事诗学推进到一个新的层次,演绎出故土之源与新居反哺的双向性跨文化表征路径,使这种“双向交互”突破了情节性的束缚,且随着张翎“在故土之外”回归故土的情感和美学探索,逐渐形成一种隐性的、“在故事之外”的结构性叙事特征。 In the era of globalization,some new immigrant writers choose to travel frequently between their hometown and their new home,and their works often choose Chinese themes.The academia's understanding of new immigrant writers and their works has gradually focused on the “Chinese story” and the “de-diaspora” phenomenon.However,this new change does not mean a change in aesthetic poetics.This article focuses on the novel Aftershock to gain a glimpse of the development context and cross-cultural representation of narrative poetics of “interlaced time and space” in Zhang Ling's novel.This article takes an overall look at Zhang Ling's creative trajectory and believes that the novella Aftershock,written in 2006,is a new in-depth point after Search.This deepening is specifically reflected in the structural existence of the novel character Wolfer and the shaping of the symbiotic relationship between Wang Xiaodeng and Li Yuanni.The main points of this article are twofold.Firstly,the real “inertia” in Zhang Ling's creation does not lie in the “other's perspective”,but in the “intertwined” interaction between the Western other and the Eastern self;and the temporal “interlacing” of the past and the present and the spatial “interlacing” of hometown and new home together constitute the poetic connotation of “interlacing of time and space”.Secondly,whether it is the intertwined state of cultural identities of the “other self” or the “worldliness” that encompasses cultural translation and multiple cultural perspectives,they all refer to the cross-cultural context and are presented in dimensions of the creative subject and the textual experience.Additionally,the cross-cultural context is also the most essential poetic connotation of Zhang Ling's “staggered time and space” narrative structure.Through a comparative analysis with the movie Aftershock,it can be concluded that Wolfer's weakening of the plot and his “strengthening” of the structure foreshadow a new feature of the narrative poetics paradigm in Zhang Ling's novels,that is,the cultural experience of othering gradually fades out of the plot and becomes a structural hidden existence outside the plot narrative of the text.The duality of the discrete living experience of the creative subject will still endow the text with the narrative poetics of “staggered time and space” and its inherent cross-cultural context.However,the othering experience in the text,or the “new home” narrative,has been transformed from the character level to the implicit author level.In addition,this article believes that from the perspective of the theme of salvation,Zhang Ling constructed the “symbiotic relationship” between mother and daughter in dimensions of spirit,form,and nature.In a cross-cultural context,the vital and constructive symbiotic process of mother and daughter from fragmentation to reconstruction,trauma to healing,gives Wang Xiaodeng's “departure-returndeparture” immigration and separation trajectory a space for meaning generation.It can be said that starting from Aftershock,Zhang Ling began to push the narrative poetics of “staggered time and space” to a new level,that is,“homeland-new home” and “departure-return” are no longer one-way relationships,but are in a two-way relationship.In the interactive relationship,the cross-cultural representation path of “inter-interpretations” fed back by the origin of the hometown and the new home is deduced,and this “two-way interaction” breaks through the shackles of the plot.In Zhang Ling's emotional and aesthetic pursuit of returning to the homeland,an implicit structural narrative feature of “beyond the story” was gradually formed.
作者 池雷鸣 CHI Leiming
机构地区 暨南大学文学院
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期14-28,共15页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“东南亚华文文学史料专题研究、分类编纂及数据库建设”(22&ZD272) 中华文化港澳台及海外传承传播协同创新中心资助项目(JNXT2023005)。
关键词 张翎 《余震》 “时空交错”叙事诗学 跨文化 Zhang Ling Aftershock narrative poetics of"staggered time and space" cross-culture
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