

Research on the Mechanism and Path of Promoting the Development ofNew Quality Productivity Through the Construction of a Unified National Market
摘要 发展新质生产力是重大的战略决策与理论创新,其紧扣制约我国经济高质量、可持续发展的核心问题,有助于从根本上摆脱传统经济增长方式与生产力发展路径。新质生产力不会轻易形成,发展新质生产力要锚定目标、坚持不懈、久久为功,要下决心通过深化改革进一步优化生产关系,为驱动创新与发展新质生产力注入动力、释放活力,要持续扎实推进全国统一大市场建设,构建高水平的市场体制,从根本上推动技术革命性突破、生产要素创新性配置、产业深度转型升级,进而催生新质生产力。在这个过程中,既要高度重视突破性创新,也要不忽视渐进性创新;既要培育壮大新兴产业与布局未来产业,又不能放弃传统产业;既要重视发挥市场的决定性作用,企业的主导作用,也要更好发挥政府作用。全国统一大市场建设背景下发展新质生产力要强化市场基础制度建设,推进全国统一要素市场建设,破除地方保护与市场分割。 Developing new quality productivity is a significant strategic decision and theoretical innovation,closely related to the core issues that restrict the high-quality and sustainable development of China’s economy,and helps to fundamentally break away from the traditional economic growth mode and productive development path.New quality productivity will not be easily formed.To develop new quality productivity,we need to anchor goals,persevere,and work for a long time.We must be determined to further improve production relations through deepening reform,inject impetus and release vitality to drive innovation and develop new quality productivity.We must continue to solidly promote the construction of a unified national market,build a high-level market system,and fundamentally promote technological revolutionary breakthroughs,innovative allocation of production factors,and deep industrial transformation and upgrading,thereby giving birth to new quality productivity.In this process,we must attach great importance to breakthrough innovation and not overlook gradual innovation;We must cultivate and expand emerging industries and lay out future industries,but we cannot abandon traditional industries;We should not only attach importance to the decisive role of the market and the leading role of enterprises,but also better leverage the role of the government.In the context of the construction of a unified national market,the development of new quality productivity needs to strengthen the construction of market basic systems,promote the construction of a unified national factor market,and eliminate local protection and market segmentation.
作者 徐礼伯 沈坤荣 Xu Libo;Shen Kunrong
出处 《中州学刊》 北大核心 2024年第5期63-70,共8页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“我国高质量发展的能力基础、能力结构与推进机制研究”(19ZDA049)。
关键词 新质生产力 全国统一大市场 科技创新 现代产业体系 new quality productivity national unified market technological innovation modern industrial system
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