

Ecological Impact of Photovoltaic Power Station on Regional Forest Land in Yunnan
摘要 以实地走访和调查访谈的方式调查了解云南省光伏电站对区域林地的生态影响。结果表明,光伏电站建设会造成电站范围内乔木和灌木的砍伐以及草本植物的割除,但植物物种个体数量和生物量无显著减少,一些电站因光伏板遮阳保湿,物种略有增加。电站建设对基因多样性的影响不大,但对生态系统有一定的影响。光伏项目的实施使林地用途改变,破坏了一定数量的地表植被,一定程度上破坏了区域内景观潜在的美学价值,但范围较小,对自然景观风貌的影响不大。项目区域内水土流失可控,通过保护措施可恢复植被,施工和运行过程有切实可行的污染及影响防治措施,污染物产生量小,排放达标。项目对区域大气、地表水、声环境及生态环境的影响小,不会导致项目所在区域环境功能的明显改变。基于调查结果,提出加强林地、生物多样性保护的技术措施,并对云南省光伏电站的建设规模作出预警,实现光伏发电产业与生态环境协同发展。 Through field visits and investigation interviews,the ecological impact of photovoltaic(PV)power stations on regional forest land in Yunnan Province was investigated.The results showed that the construction of PV power station would cause the cutting of arbor and shrub species and the cutting of herb plants within the power station area,but the number and biomass of plant species were not significantly reduced,and some power stations had a slight increase in species due to shading and moisturizing of photovoltaic panels.The construction of power stations had little impact on genetic diversity,but had a certain impact on the ecosystem.The implementation of the PV project would change the use of forest land,destroy a certain number of surface vegetation,and destroy the potential aesthetic value of the landscape in the region to a certain extent,but the effect was only partial and small.The soil erosion in the project area was controllable,and the vegetation could be restored through protection measures.There were practical and feasible pollution and impact prevention measures in the construction and operation process.The amount of pollutants was small and the discharge was up to standard.The project had little impact on the regional atmosphere,surface water,acoustic environment and ecological environment,and would not lead to significant changes in the environmental functions of the project site.Based on the survey results,the technical measures and development countermeasures to strengthen the protection of forest land and biodiversity were put forward,and the construction scale of Yunnan PV power station was warned to realize the PV power generation industry and ecological environment.
作者 张传光 郭永清 沈艳 蒋云东 周云 方波 贠新华 ZHANG Chuanguang;GUO Yongqing;SHEN Yan;JIANG Yundong;ZHOU Yun;FANG Bo;YUN Xinhua(Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland,Kunming 650201,China;Yunnan Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Cultivation and Utilization,Kunming 650201,China;National Positioning Observation and Research Station of Central Yunnan Plateau Forest Ecosystem,Kunming 650201,China)
出处 《林业调查规划》 2024年第3期108-118,共11页 Forest Inventory and Planning
基金 云南光伏电站对区域林地的生态影响调研。
关键词 光伏电站 生态影响 林地资源 生物多样性 生态景观 水土保持 云南省 photovoltaic power station ecological impact forest land biodiversity ecological landscape soil and water conservation Yunnan Province
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