

An Intellectual Archaeological Analysis of the Dominant Opinion of Apparent Agency——German Law as a Reference
摘要 民商事活动的不断扩张导致保护交易安全的需求更加强烈,此项倾向投射到私法观念中导致了对意思主义的背离,促使了权利外观理论的兴起与昌盛,最终导致表见代理之案型的解决路径整体上由默示授权转变到权利外观(表见)理论。在表见代理学说发展过程中,公示思想及相关制度提供了思想基础与概念素材,泽勒虽率先提出表见代理学说并将《德国民法典》第170条至第173条作为实定法基础,但其学说在司法实践中遭遇了被忽略之困境,因为先前关于表见代理之案型的众多判例足以提供较为充足的裁判指导。在学者的努力下,泽勒所主张的表见代理学说逐渐获得了更多的认可,并在“二战”后成为通说。在这一过程中,表见代理在适用范围上实现了由商事领域到民事领域的突破,在概念分化中又产生了(指称特定表见代理案型的)假象代理权与容忍代理权。这所有教义学层面的发展,均来源于私法观念上对意思主义的背离。 The expansion of civil and commercial activities leads to the needs of the protection of transaction security stronger,this tendency,as it projects to Private Law,led to the departure from the autonomy of will,prompted the rise and prosperity of the theory of appearance of rights,ultimately changing the solution of the case of apparent agency on the whole from the implied authorization to the theory of appearance of rights.In the development of the doctrine of apparent agency,the idea of publicity and related systems provide the ideological basis and conceptual material,although Zeller was the first to put forward the doctrine of apparent agency and considered the German civil code articles 170 to 173 as the basis of the actual law,but its doctrine in judicial practice suffered from the dilemma of being ignored,because many previous cases of apparent agency were sufficient to provide a more adequate guidance for adjudication.With the efforts of scholars,the doctrine of apparent agency advocated by Zeller gradually gained more recognition and became a general doctrine after World WarⅡ.In the process,apparent agency achieved a breakthrough in the scope of application from the commercial to the civil sphere,and in the conceptual differentiation,it gave rise to the right of fictitious agency(alleging a particular type of apparent agency case)and the right of tolerant agency.All of these doctrinal developments stemmed from a conceptual departure from the autonomy of will in Private Law.
作者 李炬枫 Li Jufeng
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《南大法学》 2024年第3期24-42,共19页 NanJing University Law Journal
关键词 表见代理 权利外观 容忍代理 假象代理 默示授权 Apparent Agency Appearance of Rights Tolerant Agency Fictitious Agency Implied Authority
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