

Practical Exploration of SPOC Hybrid Teaching Model for Food Factory Design
摘要 探索了采用SPOC混合教学模式的“食品工厂设计”课程实践,包括建设教学资源、实施混合教学等,以提高教学质量,实现全员、全程、全方位的三全育人。通过跟踪与分析学生的学习成绩,结果表明采用SPOC混合教学模式的“食品工厂设计”课程,学生的学习成绩和学习兴趣得到明显提高,为“食品工厂设计”课程教学提供了一种有效的指导思路。 This paper explored the practice of using SPOC blended teaching mode for Food Factory Design course,including construction of teaching resources,implementation of blended teaching,etc.,to improve the teaching quality,realize the three all in personnel,process and all-round.By tracking and analyzing students'learning achievements,it was found that the learning achievements and interests of students in Food Factory Design courses using SPOC blended teaching mode were significantly improved,providing a practical guide for Food Factory Design course teaching.
作者 李欢 孙长花 LI Huan;SUN Changhua(Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering,Yangzhou Polytechnic College,Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225009,China;Yangzhou Engineering Research Center of Agricultural Products Intelligent Measurement and Control&Cleaner Production,Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225009,China)
出处 《农产品加工》 2024年第9期117-119,122,共4页 Farm Products Processing
基金 全国食品工业职业教育教学指导委员会教改课题项目(SHK2022110) 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”资助项目(2020年) 扬州市第四期“英才培育计划”优秀教育人才资助项目(2020年)。
关键词 食品工厂设计 SPOC 教学改革 Food Factory Design SPOC teaching reform
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