6Mark Lewis,Sanctioned Violence in Earty China,Albany,State University of New York,1990,pp.7—9,44.
9吴阎生:《左传微》,第236页。[1]David Ownby,“Secret Societies Reconsidered,”In Secret Societies Reconsidered—Perspectives on the Social History of Modern South China and Southeast Asia,ed.By David Ownby and Mary S.Heidhues,Armonk,New York:An East Gate Book,1993,p.5.[1]C.K.Yong,Religion in Chinese Society-A Study of Contemporary Social Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors,Berkeley:University of California Press,1961,pp.279-280.
10Robert Antony,“Brotherhood,Secret Societies,and the Law in Qing-Dynasty China,”in Secret Societies Reconsidered-Perspectives on the Social History of Modern South China and Southeast Asia,p.206.