

The Name and Reality of the"Near East Price Revolution":An Analysis of Economic Changes after the Süleyman Prosperity
摘要 “近东价格革命”指的是奥斯曼帝国从16世纪60年代开始银币阿克切贬值、国内物价猛涨,直到17世纪上半叶才得以缓解的经济现象。这一时期的价格波动引发了帝国经济和社会的一系列改变。“近东价格革命”外因与欧洲银币涌入巴尔干和安纳托利亚有关,内因既和政府的银币贬值政策有关,也和这一时期商品货币经济的发展以及城乡人口结构变化相联。这一时期的金融波动对奥斯曼社会的蒂玛持有者、加尼沙里军、城市工匠、农民、官吏等阶层,都带来不同程度的影响。可以肯定,特定时期的经济变动反映了奥斯曼帝国盛衰的某些阶段性特征。 The"Near East Price Revolution"refers to the economic phenomenon in the Ottoman Empire,which began in the 1660s with the devaluation of the silver ak?e and a sharp rise in domestic prices,and was not alleviated until the first half of the 17th century.The price fluctuations during this period triggered a series of changes in the imperial economy and society.The external factors of"the Near East price revolution"were related to the influx of European silver coins into the Balkans and Anatolia,while the internal factors were not only related to the government policy of depreciating silver coins,but also to the development of commodity currency economy and changes in urban and rural population structure during this period.The financial fluctuations during this period had varying degrees of impact on the Ottoman society,including the Timar holders,the Janissary,urban craftsmen,farmers,and officials.It can be affirmed that economic changes during specific periods reflect certain phased characteristics of the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire.
作者 白若萌 王三义 BAI Ruomeng;WANG Sanyi
出处 《历史教学问题》 2024年第2期54-61,53,170,171,共11页 History Research And Teaching
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中东经济通史”(21&ZD246)的阶段性成果。
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